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Net Neutrality and OSBot


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Net neutrality is a joke. The internet operated fine until the government got involved. You already pay tiered services for your phone provider, why should the internet be different. This net neutrality movement is the single biggest spread of misinformation I've seen.

An old grandma wanting to check her email once or twice per day should not have to pay as much as a gaming/pirating memester who just sucks up bandwidth. 

You are an absolute fool if you think companies will charge $10 for netflix, $10 for youtube, etc. That's the biggest lie I've ever heard. Nobody would pay for that, so it doesn't make sense for a company to offer that. If a company does something you don't like you do not have to buy from that company, nobody is forcing your hand. Capitalism and a free market will work itself out like always. When government gets involved in something it shouldn't it limits growth. Imagine how much cheaper internet could be with the free market being able to work without restrictions. If you don't like your internet being limited protest the company, don't go crying to the government. 

Didn't want to make this political but this is relevant so screw it. When republicans see something they don't like, they don't buy it. When democrats see something they don't like, they try to restrict it and ban for everyone. 

Edited by Jordan
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On 12/16/2017 at 3:46 PM, Jordan said:

Net neutrality is a joke. The internet operated fine until the government got involved. You already pay tiered services for your phone provider, why should the internet be different. This net neutrality movement is the single biggest spread of misinformation I've seen.

An old grandma wanting to check her email once or twice per day should not have to pay as much as a gaming/pirating memester who just sucks up bandwidth. 

You are an absolute fool if you think companies will charge $10 for netflix, $10 for youtube, etc. That's the biggest lie I've ever heard. Nobody would pay for that, so it doesn't make sense for a company to offer that. If a company does something you don't like you do not have to buy from that company, nobody is forcing your hand. Capitalism and a free market will work itself out like always. When government gets involved in something it shouldn't it limits growth. Imagine how much cheaper internet could be with the free market being able to work without restrictions. If you don't like your internet being limited protest the company, don't go crying to the government. 

Didn't want to make this political but this is relevant so screw it. When republicans see something they don't like, they don't buy it. When democrats see something they don't like, they try to restrict it and ban for everyone. 

I know 3 years was a very long time ago:



But there was a time when cable companies were actually slowing down their competitors until the government got involved and said that it was unfair; which I agree with. 

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