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Extreme scripts refund?


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Well I'm not sure if this is the right section and if this is actually something that is possible but, what the hell I'm just gonna try it. 

A couple of years ago I bought a script from ''Extreme'' and I just found out he got banned from the forum because of ripping people. I can't find his scripts anywhere as I guess they are all removed from OSBot. The thing is, when you buy a script you buy a lifetime auth. So what happens when the scripter get's banned? The script is not updated or supported anymore and I can't seem to find it anywhere. 

My question is, is there some kind of refund or a solution for this? As I'm writing this I think I might just asked a dumb question lol. Anyway I'm also just curious. 




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19 minutes ago, Aroyo said:

He payed for lifetime use, not for 2 years? 

Lifetime of the script, not until OP dies...

Many scripters have left in the past, and their scripts have been left unmaintained. Eventually those scripts will break, do you really think OSBot is then going to refund every purchase of that script?

For very popular scripts OSBot will now try to maintain them themselves, however this is not always possible because the devs are busy.

OP paid $10 and got 2 years out of a script, it's not like he got scammed.

Edited by Explv
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