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Saiyan :o,

I'm sorry your feeling depressed lately.

I know where you coming from with the parent issues. I got kicked out of my parents home after I dropped out of College due to being a "leech" even though I was employed and paying them rent. They too thought my time spent online was making me a societal drain. I do hope you and your parents figure things out. I ended up being homeless for a year before I joined the military. I would like to mention if you want to continue your education and make some money you should see if the UK has a ROTC program in university.

This would allow you to follow your academics and get a career straight out of University in the UK military. (IF they have a similar program to the US)

I do hope you stick around and I always liked seeing your face poke around. (I always knew you existed <3)

Much love man,


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Hope you can deal with that stuff man, it's sad to see you go seeing as the other mods are pretty well, you know.  They're nice but they're not you.  I don't know any other mod that has spoke at such a volume that it sounded like sweet gentle whispers in my ears at night that allowed me to go to sleep with ease which could be compared to  a mother soothing a crying baby by cradling it and singing wonderful lullabies.  You are DEFINITELY one of my Top 50 mods on osbot and I won't let anybody dispute that fact.  Like I said it really is sad to see you go so if you want to talk with someone cool, you can just talk to me, either by pm's or by skype, if you ask for my skype in pm or let me know your's i'll fosho add.  Even though you still will be here just not as often, it seems like I rarely see you anymore anyway, so for that reason I know you can beat up the demons, YOU ARE A SAIYAN. :boge: luv u, gl.

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