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SDN improvements plan


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Or you can allow people to upload their scripts and they won't have OSBot seal of approval. If I see a script writer I know release something I'm not going to be worried about running their script so I won't matter if it's not approved. Over time the scripts that are not approved will be waiting for approval so that now they can be labeled as meeting the standards for osbot and being safe for the user.


All the admins have to do is HIRE SOMEONE ELSE because you guys are so busy can't even message brainfree for his webwalker that I've been looking forward too. That person will add seals of approval to scripts.

Edited by Dopey
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Or you can allow people to upload their scripts and they won't have OSBot seal of approval. If I see a script writer I know release something I'm not going to be worried about running their script so I don't can if it's not approved. Over time the scripts that are not approved will be waiting for approval so that now they can be labeled as meeting the standards for osbot and being safe for the user.


All the admins have to do it HIRE SOMEONE ELSE because you guys are so busy can't even message brainfree for his webwalker that I've been looking forward too. That person will add seals of approval to scripts.

Are you serious? What do you think the Local scripts area is for, ponie rides? 

They're bringing these selected few in to review the scripts that are being tested so YOU don't have to deal with a script that will have many many many mistakes. Those mistakes could lead to your character dying, or even you having a higher chance of being banned.


They're making it safer for you (Botter). What is so bad about them giving the script the official OSBot seal of approval? You have to wait 1 more day to use that script? Wow, so tough.  

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Or you can allow people to upload their scripts and they won't have OSBot seal of approval. If I see a script writer I know release something I'm not going to be worried about running their script so I won't matter if it's not approved. Over time the scripts that are not approved will be waiting for approval so that now they can be labeled as meeting the standards for osbot and being safe for the user.


All the admins have to do is HIRE SOMEONE ELSE because you guys are so busy can't even message brainfree for his webwalker that I've been looking forward too. That person will add seals of approval to scripts.

That's how most people would feel, but this has been the reputation downfall of unregulated SDN bot sites before, where 'trusted' Script Writers have released scripts that work fine, but after a few days/weeks they pushed malicious updates to the code in order to profit from it. Perhaps there could be a section for scripts that haven't been regulated yet, and that should be ran at your own risk.

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Or you can allow people to upload their scripts and they won't have OSBot seal of approval. If I see a script writer I know release something I'm not going to be worried about running their script so I don't can if it's not approved. Over time the scripts that are not approved will be waiting for approval so that now they can be labeled as meeting the standards for osbot and being safe for the user.


All the admins have to do it HIRE SOMEONE ELSE because you guys are so busy can't even message brainfree for his webwalker that I've been looking forward too. That person will add seals of approval to scripts.

Are you serious? What do you think the Local scripts area is for, ponie rides? 

They're bringing these selected few in to review the scripts that are being tested so YOU don't have to deal with a script that will have many many many mistakes. Those mistakes could lead to your character dying, or even you having a higher chance of being banned.


They're making it safer for you (Botter). What is so bad about them giving the script the official OSBot seal of approval? You have to wait 1 more day to use that script? Wow, so tough.

That's how most people would feel, but this has been the reputation downfall of unregulated SDN bot sites before, where 'trusted' Script Writers have released scripts that work fine, but after a few days/weeks they pushed malicious updates to the code in order to profit from it. Perhaps there could be a section for scripts that haven't been regulated yet, and that should be ran at your own risk.

It's either no scripts and wait for admins to look over each one or their group of testers. OR have scripts in the SDN but they aren't approved until admins say so, and use at own risk. I'd take the second one. The point of my suggestions isn't to just get scripts pumping out to the SDN because I could just get a local script download but we are talking about how to add new scripts to the sdn.

I know not regulating the scripts will be bad but I think having scripters post their work in there and let people use them at own risk KNOWING osbot hasen't approved yet and then just waiting for admins to check.

As for waiting a day...That has to be the biggest joke I have ever heard.


The one and only Brainfree, his name might suggest he has no brains but he does!, has been developing a web walker for the past few weeks. With our help, we will give him most of the data of the entire world map, to make his web walker walk across the entire map without any problems and little manual work. Teleporting? Fairy rings? Portals? Just walking? Doors, ladders, gates? It's all planned for to be working. This will definitely be one of OSBot's most useful features, and will allow to write bots beyond believe. Slayer you said? No problem. Farming you said? No problem. Died somewhere and you need your script to go back? No problem.


Do you fucking see that date posted? Webwalking is one of the most critical things for this client and they won't even talk to Brainfree to give him 1 thing. Don't give me that shit saying it'll take 1 day. Have you ever released a script to SDN ? Admins never reply to people so the current system is fucked.

Webwalking can and has changed botting in the past. Whatever client has webwalking will completely destroy all other clients. Brainfree hasn't left OSBot but could no problem and give his work to another client.

Edited by Dopey
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I'm pretty sure Maxi is saying it's limited to the number of RS accounts it is linked to at one time. For instance you can only run a premium script in 5 tabs or something. Of course this would be 100% up to the script developer to implement. If you feel that a script which utilizes that method is unfair, you don't have to purchase it. Same thing goes with monthly fees on scripts, some people hate that and would prefer just flat-out buying the script.


As far as everything else goes, I'm all for the new method of bringing scripts to the SDN. By no means am I impressed by the method for updating current scripts. It's essentially the same thing as it is now, however over email instead of forums.

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Sounds good, but the script testing with 10 people sounds a bit like an overkill.


The group will exist of approximately 10 people, however this doesn't mean it will be tested by 10 people. Some people might not be able to test certain scripts due to level or quest requirements and not everyone will be able to test on a daily basis. Therefore we will have around 10 people so the process of getting feedback of their tests will be faster, resulting in a smoother and quicker addition to the SDN. We will not require for everyone to have tested a script, everyone who has done some tests will give us feedback which we will use to base our verdict on.



Okay, thanks for the explanation. Then i retract my previous statement about the overkill. :) Good job!

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