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Stress? I'm honestly stressed out 24/7, I'm honestly on that urge daily that I just don't want to live anymore. (No this isn't attention seeking) because I honestly don't care what people say. I'm stressed out 24/7 over basic and sometimes stupid things. Slightly depressed I guess. Me and my 2 other brothers have anger issues and I'm sure its from my dad.


Suggestions please? I get so stressed/angry that I just want to cry. It's honestly annoying. Currently looking for a job and it really depresses me, us young people in the UK are now struggling more than ever because companies are biased and don't like to give us 'chances' w/o any experiences, even with a good CV/experience and personality they'd rather find someone more experienced.




Finding your first job especially in the career path you want always sucks and takes ages, unless you're one of the lucky ones. But don't lose hope. Just keep trying. As tough as it gets, if you want it bad enough then someone will see you and hire you. Focus on your own game. If a company rejects you, take time to ask them for post-counselling advice on where to improve then work from there. The only time you are guaranteed to NOT get that job is when you stop trying.


It does get stressful a lot of the time, so focus on things you enjoy. Make time for hobbies or small random goals you want to achieve. I know I was getting super stressed with university and finding a job myself so now that I've finished the semester I'm dedicating all my time to try and make a working gold farm since I enjoy rs. Try a sport maybe. Find like-minded and motivated friends to talk to about your goals and your stress. Talking about your problems is a good way of unloading and de-stressing. Everybody says that but a lot of people are too afraid to approach others about their problems, which is a pretty bad issue. Anyways, don't get yourself down because we're all in the same boat at the end of the day. Take pride in your struggles so that once you make it it will feel that much better. Keep your head up and just keep swimming, you'll get there one day.


TL:DR; Don't worry too much about your job, if you keep trying you'll get there. In the mean time, when you're stressed do shit you like and interact with like-minded people to let go of your troubles

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You should recognize your issues. If you seem to become worked up, find the source of what is working you up and recognize what exactly is the cause and how to fix it, otherwise you are going to have a poor temperament and make your situation worse. It's a potential that you suffer from anxiety based mental health issues, depending on how you are feeling and it's actually quite important you consult a GP if you feel like your mental health is something out of the ordinary. Things such as panic attacks, anxiety, inability to do daily tasks without overthinking and working yourself up are common 'symptoms'


If you feel like you aren't getting anywhere with finding a job or you aren't currently in education, it's fine to feel low. Everyone wants to achieve their potential and if you aren't making any progress, think about what you want and construct yourself a little plan on how to get there. You might be miles off but you can set yourself milestones in the meantime, you need to progress yourself, it's how people keep sane. It's also a good idea to keep yourself consciously engaged into something, people who are much more social are going to have an easier time, they aren't going to have enough alone time to work themselves up and begin to overthink on their issues.


I'd really recommend you to reflect on jobs you haven't got and recognizing with the proper mindset of why you didn't accomplish it, the problem more than likely isn't you and if it is, you can take the time to progress. You've really got to be prepared to fail, but not set yourself up for failure.


Everyone has rough patches, sometime within everyone's life something bad is going to happen and you don't become a great sailor by travelling against easy winds, you become a great sailor by keeping yourself on a course to your destination through the storms and all the shit that comes with life. It's good as a young person you've had this experience because it'll help in the future.


I'm in the same boat, I'm a young person with my own problems. I also like to study Psychology in my free time.


Edited by Final
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Keep looking for a job, even apply yourself to jobs that require experience, sometimes you could get it ( depending on if they really need people or they like your resume).

Idk about UK though but you could try sites of the companies and apply there.

Scripting is a way to make money but you got to learn it which might take some time depending on how quickly you can learn. If i was you, keep looking for a job even if it sucks and work your way up to a higher position.

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Smile - You don't own all the problems in the world!


Living in the England myself, I can relate to the job searching stress, I recently was laid off my job (there for 12 months+) unexpectedly and that fucked me over. If you're not having any luck directly applying for jobs with employers, perhaps consider talking to an agency :)   

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