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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. MethodProvider#getDisplay is in this build it replaces GraphicsUtilities
  2. 1) Which script? 2) Resizable or fixed? 3) Stealth injection or mirror?
  3. Mirror will be fixed in 5 minutes
  4. Hey, This update brings the following changes, on top of the dev build 2.5.29 : API CHANGES: - Added Tabs#open(Tab tab, boolean useBind). useBind true will attempt to use the key bound to the tab to open it, but will use the mouse if no key is bound. - Added Projectiles#targeted(Character target) - Added Client#getAccountType(). This can be used to check for ironman status FIXES: - Fixed the bot freezing during the loading process - Fixed the bot crashing when trying to close a tab - Fixed item depositing on the bank on resizable mode - Fixed the login handler for resizable - Fixed a bug where inventory items weren't loaded on resizable after a relog. - Fixed charter links in the webwalker - Fixed a bug with GrandExchange#buyItem where it would spam type the name of the item - Fixed a crash when trying to use a shop with only 1 item in stock - Fixed a crash in Tabs#open() when no tabs are visible WEB WALKER: - Added royal seed pod support - Added burning amulet support MISC: - Improved memory usage - Added a new Config Debugger to more easily debug configs - Updated the Quest list to support the latest quests - The OSBot Team
  5. Gonna do my best to bring down the detection rate for sure
  6. I'm gonna have to look into tutorial island stuff and see what's wrong. could still be broken yeah.
  7. Nope, all API changes are in the first post.
  8. Sounds like the script needs to be updated to support resizable mode. Which script is this?
  9. We are aware of this freeze and are working on it
  10. Hi! This dev build brings support for resizable mode! DISCLAIMER: SOME SCRIPTS / FEATURES MIGHT NOT WORK ON RESIZABLE YET. SCRIPTERS ARE AWARE OF THE CHANGES THEY NEED TO MAKE AND ARE WORKING ON IT. THIS VERSION MIGHT ALSO NOT BE FULLY STABLE, SO USE WITH CAUTION! THIS RELEASE IS MOSTLY TO FIND BUGS AND HELP SCRIPTERS SUPPORT RESIZABLE. Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.5.29.jar Change log: API CHANGES: - Added Tab#ACCOUNT_MANAGEMENT and Tab#NONE - Tab#IGNORES has been deprecated and now falls under Tab#FRIENDS - Added Display#getScreenWidth() and Display#getScreenHeight() - Tab#getInterfaceParentId() and Tab#getInterfaceChildId() have been deprecated, use Tabs#getTabWidget(Tab tab) instead FIXES: - Bank#isSlotVisible(Bot bot, int tabSlot, int absoluteSlot) has been deprecated. Use Bank#isSlotVisible(int tabSlot, int absoluteSlot) instead. This method has also been changed to ensure the slot is visible enough to interact with RESIZABLE: - added MethodProvider#getDisplay() to replace GraphicsUtilities All static fields and methods from GraphicsUtility have been moved to this new class. GraphicsUtility is deprecated, but for now it still supports fixed size clients. - Entity#isVisible() has been changed to take render distance into account - Display#isVisibleOnMainScreen(Entity entity) has been added to better reflect visibility for entities - Display#getDisplayMode() and Display#setDisplayMode(DisplayMode mode) have been added to change between resizable and fixed mode - Inventory#getSlotBoundingBox(int slot) has been added to replace InventorySlotDestination#getSlot(int slot) - Store#getSlotBoundingBox(int slot) has been added to replace StoreSlotDestination#getSlot(int slot) - Trade#getSlotBoundingBox(OfferOwner owner, int slot) has been added to replace TradeOffsetItemDestination#getSlot(OfferOwner owner, int slot) MISC: - MethodProvider#getProjectiles() has been added for consistancy - Added Tabs#isOpen(Tab tab) for ease of use FINAL NOTE: Mirror mode and Web Walker are not yet confirmed to function fully on resizable! Some scripts also have positions hardcoded and might not work on resizable. - The OSBot Team
  11. I'll be looking into optimizing the cpu usage
  12. I'm gonna look into adding support for resizable asap
  13. The bot has been updated
  14. Does it not scroll at all, or not far enough?
  15. Not yet, I'm still getting set up. But I am planning some exciting things! ?
  16. Improving the user experience is gonna be one of my priorities
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