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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. I added it back for the next release Not yet Should work yeah, I'll check it out.
  2. It's added back for the next release
  3. Hey, So far 2.6.1 has been getting a lot of positive feedback This version improves upon the new ui based on user feedback. Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.6.1.jar FIXES: - Fixed an issue where input wouldn't re-enable after stopping the script. - Fixed the configinterface performance issues. MISC: - various small UI fixes - Break profiles tab has been redesigned. Profiles can now be toggled to be active/inactive and can also be saved. Also fixed a bug where they weren't being activated. - The logger can now be cleared. - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  4. There seems to be a bug with it on this version, next one will have it fixed I wan't having this issue. I'll see if it can be replicated
  5. Nice suggestion. I'll see if it's possible
  6. Good find, fixed the issue for the next release. A temporary way to fix it is by toggling the input button
  7. Hey, We are excited to release this version with a whole new user interface. More quality of life features will be implemented in the near future but we really wanted to get this out Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.6.0.jar API CHANGES: - GrandExchange#buyItem and GrandExchange#sellItem now accept 0 as price, which will keep the default price. - Added InteractionEvent#setValidateMenuEntity(boolean). Default = true. If the event has an entity; this will enable/disable clicking the specific entity index in the menu, and not just any action fitting the name(s) and action(s). - Added Client#isMember() - Fixed infinite loop in Client#completeDialogue FIXES: - Implemented bank tutorial handler. - GroundItem#getActions() now returns the correct actions. - Fix world 400 hopping issue. WEB WALKER: - Fixed the camera rotating to entities that are too far away. - Added WebwalkEvent#setMisclickThreshold, which can be used to allow or fix misclicks. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  8. The progress reports I'm getting are saying about 3-5 mediums per hour Given
  9. @Molly Please check your banking code, it seems to have some loop where it gets stuck
  10. You can show/hide the sidebar via a toggle at the top RAM usage will be slightly lower when using tabs instead of multiple clients. Unless you're using the webwalker, then the difference should be big.
  11. I'm getting about 4 - 6 easy clues per hour using HAM members Trails given
  12. Should be ready for beta testing within a couple of weeks
  13. It's pretty nice for sure
  14. Aiming to have it implemented within a couple of weeks
  15. I'll check out the SoS issues
  16. Use the following to interact with entities: InteractionEvent(Entity entity, String... actions) This one is specifically designed to work with entities and also check for crosshairs.
  17. It seems there used to be one, but I guess it's no longer active. Might make one ^^
  18. Perhaps there are some new questions added, I'll check it out Good to hear ^^
  19. No idea how ghostmouse works, but if it uses the Robot class, then it's probably the same
  20. Yeah, I'll see if I can add it in the next version
  21. Possibly for some 'normal' gates yes Yeah that's why I added it just to see how effective it is. I managed to bot agility for tens of hours with the hardware mouse option and very little breaks, and the account is still going
  22. Hey, This dev build brings a large improvement in the webwalker stability and adds a (temporary) option to use your native mouse to control the bot. This is an experimental and optional functionality which might not be added to the next stable build, depending on the user reviews. Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.5.90.jar FIXES: - Fixed -autologin cli argument not working without the -login arg - Fixed an issue with quest completion loading WEB WALKER: - Fixed the issue with trying to interact with obstacles (doors/gates/stairs) that shouldn't even be on the path and getting stuck. MISC: - Added the option to use the hardware mouse. This has been added to see if using the hardware mouse has impact on banrate. From our testing it's looking promising. It will limit you to 1 tab which needs to be on the foreground at all time. For security reasons, it's not possible to disable human input and pressing the escape button will imidiately stop the running script. Pressing backspace will pause the script. For more information about how this works, check out https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/awt/Robot.html - Added a link to the mirror guide on the startup page (WIP). - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
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