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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. It's fine to use if you don't care about bot specific breaks. New release should be within a few hours for those who wish to wait
  2. Pat-ji#0367 EDIT: we tested the new version (2.6.7) where it seems to be working again. This version will be released after changes to the API have been made regarding the new settings interface.
  3. It's hard to fix if I can't replicate it. I've send a test version to scripters to see if they can
  4. https://gyazo.com/41d91fda0a3bbc381e1dd9a120edd9a0 Please show me some more info because it seems to be working for me. I will need your exact values and way of starting it to know where it's going wrong. And which script you might be using.
  5. I was planning on adding more hotkeys like start/pause scripts. I can add these too whilest I'm at it
  6. Anything in the logger about the break handler? Maybe you can contact me on discord and we'll see if we can find the issue
  7. Hey, Some more bug fixes in this release. There will probably be a dev build after this release instead of another stable. API CHANGES: - Added Quests#isAdventurePathTabActive() FIXES: - Fixed the issue where the quest tab couldn't be opened when adventure path was selected. - Added deselecting a spell when trying to cast a different one. - Fixed the issue with break manager randomly logging out when loading a new region. - Updating webwalking data now works automatically when running via cli. MISC: - The breaks enabled checkbox status can now be saved by pressing the save button and automatically loads on client startup. - Added the option to stop after breaking. This is also saved/loaded just like the breaks enabled option. - Added '-breaksettings enabled:stop_after_break' cli arguments to override the saved setting. Example: '-breaksettings true:false' will enable breaks but not stop after breaking, '-breaksettings true:true' will breaks and stop after breaking. '-breaksettings false:false' won't break by default nor stop after breaking. - Added some extra debug to the world hopper. - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  8. I'll release it tomorrow
  9. Found the issue with the logging out and back in. It's fixed in the next release.
  10. I'll see if I can add the option back in. Your settings are looking correct, I'll use them and see if I also encounter any issues. Edit: added the option back in for next release. I'll make the breaks enabled option save and load when you restart the client. I'll also add it to the cli argument in case you want to use it via that ways. Edit: I've added both, will be available in the next release.
  11. Hey, This release has some nice fixes and new features. API CHANGES: - WalkingEvent(Area) will now check for completion by checking if the player is in the area. - Added MoveMouseEvent#isNewMouse() to check if the user has the new mouse enabled. FIXES: - Scrolling in the account tab works again. - Fixed break manager starting the breaks too early or using breaks with 0 values. - Fixed world hopping to target worlds. - Fixed a bug causing the 400 world hopper patch to break. - Fixed an issue where Store#buy & Store#sell would get stuck in an infinite loop. - Fixed Bank#getItemCountForTab() sometimes throwing errors. - Fixed a couple NPEs. WEB WALKER: - Fixed a couple invalid links. MISC: - Hovering the account name in the account tab will display the full name. - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  12. next release, might come out this weekend or next week
  13. I'll check out why the login handler doesn't kick back in. As for the play button, I could add hotkeys to play/pause/stop which should solve the issue. Should have it fixed again in next release. I've added a check so it shouldn't use profiles that haven't been setup correctly again.
  14. Should be fixed for next release
  15. Fixed for the next version
  16. No worries, next release will be a dev build
  17. Hey, This release fixes scripts using their own break handler and some bug fixes. API CHANGES: - Added Bot#isBreakSettingEnabled() to make it easier for scripters to see if the break setting is selected. FIXES: - Mirror mode won't falsely show the proxy anymore. - Fixed worldhopper not hopping to the first and last world. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  18. Shouldn't matter it will wait for atleast 1 active break and the enable breaks option before the next break will be prepared. No, tell the scripters to fix it if there are bugs. Please make sure you set the data before activating the break, otherwise it might queue an invalid break. I will look into disabling the active checkbox whilest not all information is filled in
  19. Hey, Just a quick bugfix release. FIXES: - The break manager now work again. You now also have the option to enable/disable all breaks. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  20. I'll release the new version today which has breaks fixed
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