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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Enjoy the auth! Yeah I wrote this script
  2. the walking to the karluum dungeon is a client thing, I'll see if I can get that fixed for the next stable build. The other functions have been confirmed working by me and the testers. It sounds like you might not have linked the combat profile to the monsters in the gui.
  3. Thanks! You can pm me on discord for any suggestions /feedback
  4. The script is now live!
  5. Token will be back in a couple of days to give auths
  6. Patrick

    Stealth Quester

    Token will be back in a couple of days to give auths
  7. Token will be back in a couple of days to give auths
  8. Patrick

    Stealth NMZ

    Token will be back in a couple of days to give auths
  9. Token will be back in a couple of days to give auths
  10. That's very weird since clicking on tiles/areas hasn't changed at all. I'll look into it.
  11. Hey, Just a couple small fixes for the last dev build. Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.6.14.jar FIXES: - Fixed the UI crash that was caused by the ShadowPopup. - Fixed the widget missclick on wide widgets. WEB WALKER: - Added some catacombs of kourend links. MISC: - Improved game loading performance. - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  12. correct, fixed in next release
  13. Patrick

    Exco Puro Puro

    No issues reported since the last bugfix release ^^
  14. This is gonna be added for sure
  15. Increased the threshold for visible for next release.
  16. Which script is this happening with? So far I haven't been able to replicate the issue. Edit: I removed all usages of this for the next version. I'll release it tomorrow or the day after.
  17. Hey, This release should fix the interaction issues from 2.6.12. Let me know how it goes Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.6.13.jar FIXES: - Fixed an issue with not opening bank chests. - Fixed widget missclicks. - Improved entity isVisible checks. MISC: - Improved entity and widget interaction. - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
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