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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Found the issue with the logging out and back in. It's fixed in the next release.
  2. I'll see if I can add the option back in. Your settings are looking correct, I'll use them and see if I also encounter any issues. Edit: added the option back in for next release. I'll make the breaks enabled option save and load when you restart the client. I'll also add it to the cli argument in case you want to use it via that ways. Edit: I've added both, will be available in the next release.
  3. Hey, This release has some nice fixes and new features. API CHANGES: - WalkingEvent(Area) will now check for completion by checking if the player is in the area. - Added MoveMouseEvent#isNewMouse() to check if the user has the new mouse enabled. FIXES: - Scrolling in the account tab works again. - Fixed break manager starting the breaks too early or using breaks with 0 values. - Fixed world hopping to target worlds. - Fixed a bug causing the 400 world hopper patch to break. - Fixed an issue where Store#buy & Store#sell would get stuck in an infinite loop. - Fixed Bank#getItemCountForTab() sometimes throwing errors. - Fixed a couple NPEs. WEB WALKER: - Fixed a couple invalid links. MISC: - Hovering the account name in the account tab will display the full name. - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  4. next release, might come out this weekend or next week
  5. I'll check out why the login handler doesn't kick back in. As for the play button, I could add hotkeys to play/pause/stop which should solve the issue. Should have it fixed again in next release. I've added a check so it shouldn't use profiles that haven't been setup correctly again.
  6. Should be fixed for next release
  7. Fixed for the next version
  8. No worries, next release will be a dev build
  9. Hey, This release fixes scripts using their own break handler and some bug fixes. API CHANGES: - Added Bot#isBreakSettingEnabled() to make it easier for scripters to see if the break setting is selected. FIXES: - Mirror mode won't falsely show the proxy anymore. - Fixed worldhopper not hopping to the first and last world. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  10. Shouldn't matter it will wait for atleast 1 active break and the enable breaks option before the next break will be prepared. No, tell the scripters to fix it if there are bugs. Please make sure you set the data before activating the break, otherwise it might queue an invalid break. I will look into disabling the active checkbox whilest not all information is filled in
  11. Hey, Just a quick bugfix release. FIXES: - The break manager now work again. You now also have the option to enable/disable all breaks. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  12. I'll release the new version today which has breaks fixed
  13. Hey, This release brings the new ui to stable. Below you can find the entire change log since the previous stable release. API CHANGES: - Removed widget caching from world hopper, quests, logout tab, GE and shop api. Please let me know if you notice a difference and if it's on mirror or injection FIXES: - Plugins work again. - Fix GrandExchange scrolling not working. - Added dismiss all randoms setting back. - Fixed the worldhopper hopping to league worlds & sometimes not hopping. - Fixed an issue where input wouldn't re-enable after stopping the script. - Fixed the configinterface performance issues. - Fixed -autologin cli argument not working without the -login arg - Fixed an issue with quest completion loading - Added a missing break condition check in the worldhopper. - Fixed cli args for script and username/pass not working if there are spaces in the name (Usage of "" is required for names with spaces eg -script "script name":args) - Fixed a bug where the break manager would start during the welcome screen WEB WALKER: - Fixed the issue with trying to interact with obstacles (doors/gates/stairs) that shouldn't even be on the path and getting stuck. - Added PathPreferenceProfile#setAllowQuestLinks to enable/disable quest requirement links (default enabled, fairy rings are ignored) - Added Femi dialogue to the gnome stronghold gate MISC: - various small UI fixes - Break profiles tab has been redesigned. Profiles can now be toggled to be active/inactive and can also be saved. Also fixed a bug where they weren't being activated. - The logger can now be cleared. - Added the option to use the hardware mouse. This has been added to see if using the hardware mouse has impact on banrate. From our testing it's looking promising. It will limit you to 1 tab which needs to be on the foreground at all time. For security reasons, it's not possible to disable human input and pressing the escape button will imidiately stop the running script. Pressing backspace will pause the script. For more information about how this works, check out https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/awt/Robot.html - Added a link to the mirror guide on the startup page (WIP). - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot team
  14. I changed some things for the worldhopper for the next release, and also fixed going to league worlds
  15. I added it back for the next release Not yet Should work yeah, I'll check it out.
  16. It's added back for the next release
  17. Hey, So far 2.6.1 has been getting a lot of positive feedback This version improves upon the new ui based on user feedback. Download link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.6.1.jar FIXES: - Fixed an issue where input wouldn't re-enable after stopping the script. - Fixed the configinterface performance issues. MISC: - various small UI fixes - Break profiles tab has been redesigned. Profiles can now be toggled to be active/inactive and can also be saved. Also fixed a bug where they weren't being activated. - The logger can now be cleared. - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  18. There seems to be a bug with it on this version, next one will have it fixed I wan't having this issue. I'll see if it can be replicated
  19. Nice suggestion. I'll see if it's possible
  20. Good find, fixed the issue for the next release. A temporary way to fix it is by toggling the input button
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