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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Ensure you have configured the profiles to the monsters in the monster tab What's in the logger? I need to know which requirements it's looking for ^^ Good suggestion ^^ I'll have to look into it to see if this would be possible
  2. Glad to hear you're enjoying it!
  3. Enjoy! Cannon support is currently in development
  4. You can use the clients break handler for that. So far no ban reports ^^
  5. Hey, A quick new release to fix the itemcontainer issue with onlyContains FIXES: - Fixed ItemContainer#onlyContains MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  6. Hey, This release fixes the equipment issues with the new game version. FIXES: - Updated the equipment api. MISC: - Various null checks and random api improvements. - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  7. No worries, authed you again
  8. I've been discussing a strategy with the other developers for a while now so hopefully we can find a solution - besides using mirror or waiting for things to calm down - soon.
  9. Enjoy Yeah I've already added most of the code for cannon support, just need to add all the locations and add it to the gui. There aren't any hotkeys atm but that's a great suggestions Glad you're liking the script ^^
  10. No worries, authed you again
  11. I'll see if I can add it to the webwalker. Think it should be possible ^^
  12. Hey, Just a couple small fixes for yesterdays release. FIXES: - Fixed the webwalker out of memory issue. - Fixed Bank#open for some closed bank chests. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  13. I'm finalizing the release, probably 2-3 hours.
  14. I'll make a new release today with the webwalker issues fixed.
  15. I'll check out the webwalker issues
  16. Hey, A release that focuses mostly on improvements and bug fixes. FIXES: - Added a bank pin attempt threshold. WEB WALKER: - Fixed the slayer ring teleports not working. - Added WebWalkEvent#setMinDistanceThreshold, setMiniMapDistanceThreshold & setScreenDistanceThreshold. MISC: - Improved isVisible area. - Improved the break condition to have priority over the clients default break condition. - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  17. Patrick

    Exco Puro Puro

    Thanks! I'll check it out
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