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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Hey, There currently are some server issues which affect the download and the server connection in the client. We're working on it and will update this thread when there are updates. - The OSBot Team
  2. Patrick

    Exco Puro Puro

    Enjoy, 100 hours because I was late.
  3. I think this was caused by some server connection issues.
  4. 1. You need to save the settings with a name 2. What are your settings? 3. Which monster?
  5. Looting items and burying bones are in combat profiles, which you need to assign to the monsters
  6. Hey, to fix all your issues, you need to assign the combat profiles etc to the monsters for which you want them to be used (you can press ctrl+a to select them all at the same time). If you leave the gear empty, it will just use whatever you're wearing or get required gear like a nosepeg if you're not wearing a slayer helmet for example.
  7. Hey, This release brings a couple small changes. API CHANGES: - Added RS2Widget#hasAction(String... actions) FIXES: - Fixed the GrandExchange#getOverallPrice not working MISC: - Small changes to the activity configuration implementation. - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  8. Not sure but I've reauthed, should work now
  9. Hey, API CHANGES: - Added Worlds#hop(int world, boolean allowedWorldsOnly). allowedWorldsOnly:true is default behaviour. Setting this to false will allow hopping to any world and going through warning messages. - Added group ironman account types. FIXES: - Added support for the new clan chat tabs. WEB WALKER: - Tweaked some wrong links. MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
  10. If you could send some screenshots + locations I can look into them
  11. Hey, This release brings a couple new features/fixes besides those released in the previous dev build. API CHANGES: - Added Widgets#getWidgetContainingText(boolean ignoreChatbox, String... texts) and Widgets#containingText(boolean ignoreChatbox, String... texts). Functionality for old methods stays unchanged: ignoreChatbox=true for Widgets#getWidgetContainingText(String... texts) and Widgets#containingText(String... texts). - Added Quests#Quest.X_MARKS_THE_SPOT MISC: - Minor bug fixes. - The OSBot Team
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