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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Interface hooks. We're well aware of that interface problem, it's been on the books before you mentioned it. Trust me, we are looking at it when the time becomes available (it's a high priority).
  2. This release patches the trade API as well as interface hooks which were broken from yesterday's RS update. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Changelog: -Added banks: Lumbridge Lower, Lumbridge Upper, Draynor -Interfaces updated < say thanks to @Zach -Trade API updated < thanks to and @darkxor for reporting -Further progress on script browser -Various infrastructure fixes (Zach again) I plan on re-writing a large part of the API to prevent it from breaking (as often), however this will be a long project that I embark on. If you find any other problems which still persists from the RS Update, please let me know. Sincerely, -The OSBot Staff
  3. It's the kind of crap I have to deal with every game. I can never get a good team.
  4. I saw an AWP double kill on here today, not to steal his/her thunder but I score at least an ace every few days. I cropped out the first kill (the time apart was too long). Sorry for potato quality, if you guys want better quality and more vids let me know.
  5. If it isn't an awp penta it really isn't youtube worthy .
  6. Over the last few days I've been working hard in making this script browser come to life, and hopefully after this update it will become a reality. The main purpose for this release was to finish up the server and manifest code so I have all the tools needed for completion. To make this release somewhat worth your while, I went ahead and did a pretty large revamp to PositionPolygon (now known as PolygonArea). Changelog: -Added PolygonArea -Deprecated PositionPolygon -Added PolygonAreaFilter -Added closest(PolygonArea, ids) to EntityAPI -Added closest(PolygonArea, names) to EntityAPI -Added Banks to map>constants package --Banks contains preset PolygonAreas of banks ---For instance: Banks.EDGEVILLE.contains(myPosition()) ---Banks Added: Varrock West, Edgeville, Varrock East, Al Kharid -Added contains(Entity) to PolygonArea -SDNManifest now contains category id --This will be used for the script browser categories -Additional script browser GUI modifications Expect the PolygonArea code to go under some revisions, so the API may differ on the next few releases. You are completely safe to use the new map constants however, such as Banks.AL_KHARID. Happy Botting, -The OSBot Staff
  7. You're showing on the forums as a regular member.
  8. This is a quick fix for some server changes we made yesterday. You'll notice the additional tab for the script selector, this is currently disabled from use while I perform a quality check. Changelog: -Added script browser tab -Replaced "info" from sql entry to forum thread Thanks for your patience and understanding. Sincerely, -The OSBot Staff
  9. Alek


    That's a lot of detail for a logo. It looks great but I don't know how it would scale on a website or letterhead.
  10. Looks super cozy. I celebrate with a bottle of Jagermeister and Koven.
  11. Thought this was pretty cool when I was on my plane back from the US to Germany.
  12. You haven't provided a lot of info such as the versions in which the CPU spiked, the script which you are using, whether or not the CPU decreased over time, etc. We can't work magic without a little bit of information. I can show you a screenshot of OSBot on my computer only using 120MB of RAM and 7% CPU.
  13. Have you tried the new banking method I added with the release of 2.2.43? http://osbot.org/forum/topic/62310-osbot-2243-combat-magic-and-interface-patches/ bank.withdraw(HashMap<String, Integer>);
  14. Alek


    Really getting tired of people spreading lies and then everyone accepting it as the truth. Sorry, no American First Amendment rights here.
  15. With the release of OSBot 2 over 11 months ago, we have been working hard to assist customers in providing them with 30-day free script trials of their OSBot 1 scripts which were created for OSBot 2. Q: I paid for the script, why can't we just get the OSBot 2 version? A: There was no simple "port", meaning that scripters had to RE-WRITE the ENTIRE script. It's essentially a brand new script and therefore scripters did this out of a nicety. Q: I can't believe OSBot did this to me! How can I trust you guys won't do this again? A: The switch to OSBot 2 was a necessity and the original developers never truly expected for the original OSBot to grow as it did. In order for OSBot to scale to the point where it is today, the second version was a must. Q: I still don't understand why I can't use OSBot 1 scripts with OSBot 2, please explain? A: Consider the OSBot 1 to OSBot 2 transition similar to upgrading Windows from Windows 98 to Windows 7. A majority of the software (scripts) for Windows 98 (OSBot 1) would be incompatible with Windows 7 (OSBot 2). We weren't going to continue developing a client that needed more than a few patches, it needed the re-work. Software is supposed to develop and improve over time. If everyone wants to pay for software once and never be expected to re-purchase it, then we would still be living in a time of Netscape and AOL Instant Messenger. Q: Please stop lying, we all know OSBot 2 was released 3 months ago! A: The OSBot 2 release: We have provided more than ample time for customers to redeem their 30-day free script trial. Doing these free trials requires a fair amount of time, time which could be better utilized improving OSBot 2. We will no longer be authorizing these trials! Thanks for your time and understanding.
  16. Sorry about this unexpected update, but we changed some server code and the way it interacts with the client. Although I wanted to release the script browser updater all at once, it looks like I'm going to give it to you guys in slow chunks. Changelog: Note: You cannot physically use these features but they are coded -Add/Remove scripts from the client -Retrieve full SDN script list from the client Thanks for your patience. Hopefully the full release will come soon. The OSBot todo list has been updated: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/61397-official-osbot-todo-list/ P.S. Say thanks to @Zach for 2.2.44 compatibility. Sincerely, -The OSBot Staff
  17. 30%-35% is pretty darn solid, I'm standing behind it
  18. Sponsor Originally: $55.99 Now: $39.95 Lifetime Sponsor Originally: $124.99 Now: $84.95 VIP Originally: $9.99 Now: $6.95 These prices will only last a short while, about 24 hours. Hopefully you guys enjoy the deals! THE DEALS ARE NOW OVER -Alek
  19. We're having a sale, it's confirmed. I'm sure everyone here will be pretty pleased with it. We won't be having another sale like this for a while (no other holiday sales), so if you're thinking about it then definitely check back tomorrow.
  20. Yo, ill make a post in admin section, read it.
  21. If Maldesto doesn't message me, I'll try making something happen (not sure if I have ACP access where I'm at though).
  22. 166MB of RAM? Are you kidding me? After seeing this I'm going to force people to allocate a minimum of 512MB.
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