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Everything posted by Alek

  1. After the main bot gui broke shortly after I added the screenshot button to it (spoiler alert), I spent the last day re-writing many components of it. Additionally, I've added a bank check when attempting to cache it when another tab other than the first is open (thanks to @Novak). Changelog: Alek -Updated bank caching -Added bank "Castle Wars" -Removed VIP features from Debugging -Added Screenshot button to main bot interface -Re-wrote large parts of the main bot interface MGI -Added check to graphics drawing This was a pretty large update to the main interface. If you have any problems please let me know! Happy Botting -The OSBot Staff
  2. I really appreciate this thread, but I also have to acknowledge @Zach for his guidance and @Maxi for getting me to where I am today. Thanks to everyone
  3. Thought it was an intro to an osrs fletching script. Waited 5 minutes, no runescape.
  4. Why have you not made a gun yet?
  5. Well that's disheartening. I haven't updated the script in a while so hopefully I get some time this weekend.
  6. Is that script on the SDN? If so what is the name of it? I'm almost certain that's caused by a while loop which shouldn't be there.
  7. Alek


    I wish I had more time to play csgo; I'll definitely get some clips after my exams are over to make you sit down
  8. Recently there was a large influx of banking reports and subsequently this update was released. Interaction events decided to randomly stop working and had nothing to do with the recent cache update. Hopefully I'll get some time around the holidays to clean up InteractionEvent a lot. Changelog: -Updated Bank withdraw/deposit -Added cache system to Bank close -Patched Bank close -Added 2 new comparators (NPCComparator, ObjectComparator) If you are continuing to have issues with banking, please let me know! V/R -The OSBot Staff
  9. I'll go over some of the banking api tonight and try to make a release if I find the issue.
  10. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/63062-osbot-1-scripts-discontinued/
  11. If anyone says OSRS graphics, then they obviously haven't played for as long as I have on them. RS HD release was the best thing to ever happen and it took them so long to do it.
  12. The Bank API is now the second class to undergo the interface value cache transformation talked about in previous releases. Please note that the withdraw and rearrange modes are deprecated and WILL NOT be updated when they break. Please ensure your scripts are using the new dynamic methods. This is a pretty large update to banking. If you have any issues please let me know immediately! Bank API Changes: -Deprecated: Bank.WithdrawAsMode Bank.RearrangeMode Bank.setRearrangeMode Bank.setWithdrawAsMode Bank.INTERFACE_ID Bank.INTERFACE_CHILD_ID Bank.SCROLL_CONTAINER -Added: Bank.MAIN_INTERFACE_ID_CACHE Bank.CHILD_INTERFACE_ID_CACHE Bank.REARRANGE_SWAP_CACHE Bank.REARRANGE_INSERT_CACHE Bank.WITHDRAW_NOTE_CACHE Bank.WITHDRAW_ITEM_CACHE Bank.BankMode Bank.getInsertMode() Bank.getWithdrawMode() Bank.enableMode(BankMode) -Retrieves values dynamically: -Bank main interface id -Bank child id -Bank swap modes -Bank deposit modes -Bank deposit inventory/equipment In other news: Preset collection comparators have been added; the first one being InterfaceComparator. Comparators are useful for sorting varying objects which in our case can be NPCs, Game objects, Interfaces, and other components we typically find while scripting. Specifically in this case, the Bank API retrieves interface ids for the various buttons dependent on their location within the window (specifically their getX() value). For instance: List<RS2InterfaceChild> children = new ArrayList<>(); Collections.sort(children, InterfaceComparator.yComparator); In this case, all the RS2InterfaceChilds are arranged within the list from least to greatest in getY() value. In the future I plan to apply similar comparators to NPCs with sorting by values such as height, polygon count, position, etc. Also for the new Bank API usage: bank.enableMode(Bank.BankMode.REARRANGE_INSERT) API Docs have been updated, clear your browser file cache if they haven't updated. Sincerely, -The OSBot Staff
  13. So today I managed to play another competitive match and since you guys wanted me to start posting some more clips, here you go: P.S. Yes we had a bot on our team from the start, yes we won anyways.
  14. Strange, I get no errors. Do you mind posting the full error here?
  15. skills.getDynamic(Skill.HITPOINTS);
  16. Thanks! As of right now I cannot unless I cache the completion status of each quest. If I go that route, I would most likely have a method along the lines of quest.update() which would re-cache everything. Maybe I can find a different path so I don't have to check the quest tab altogether.
  17. In an effort to keep both botters and scripters happy after RS updates, I've decided to embark on the long and grueling process of re-writing much of the API to cache interface ids. The first class to undergo this transformation is Equipment. Please let me know if you are having any new equipment related issues! Changelog: -Added error tracking to loading SDN scripts -The follows methods are now dynamically executed (without the use of static interface values): --Equipment: isStatsOpen(), closeStats(), getInterfaceId() -Added the following methods: --Equipment: getStatsParentId(), openStats() -Deprecated: Equipment.STATS_INTERFACE_ID, Equipment.STATS_CLOSE_CHILD_ID, Equipment.INTERFACE_ID -Added values: Equipment.MAIN_INTERFACE_ID_CACHE, Equipment.STATS_INTERFACE_ID_CACHE -Added Banks: Yanille -API Documentation has been updated! Please clear your browser's cached files. Caches only have to be written to once. So for the client to remember what the interface id is for the equipment stats interface, it needs to be opened once. This will be done automatically if you call a method; for instance if you execute equipment.interact("Remove", "Staff of air"), it will cache the main interface id automatically if it hasn't already been set. After that you can stop a script, log out, start a new script, and the cached id will be saved. Happy Botting! -The OSBot Staff
  18. We track connection failures, so your problem will be sorted out in the next version.
  19. Try downloading the newest version.
  20. Many members here have been getting an error message of "Unable to connect to the OSBot server" for quite some time now, so something needed to be done about it. With that said, @Zach and myself made an automatic error reporting tool. This tool allows us to send exceptions of specific methods (such as the connection methods) to the server where we can later investigate the root causes. Changelog: -Added developer error reporting tool -Added 3 new banks --Camelot, Ardougne North, Ardougne South -Various Trade API methods now dynamically grab interfaces --didOtherAcceptTrade(), acceptTrade(), declineTrade() Have fun and happy botting! -The OSBot Staff
  21. We're sorting out the download issue. The connection issue is another thing.
  22. As promised, today is the release of the OSBot Script Browser. This marks a new major version bringing us to the 2.3.X series. This is the first release of the browser and although I thoroughly tested it, I'm sure that somewhere along this fairly large update there is a few bugs that need to be squashed (in which case please report them here). Changelog: -Completed Script Browser -Improved script loading methods -Patched "OSBot is ready" bug -Script selector is now responsive to connections -Utilities takeScreenshot() is now available for all members -Added Utilities method openWebpage(URL url) -Added Utilities method isVIP() (Checks for OSBot VIP) -Added 3 new Banks --Falador West, Falador East, Catherby -Patched jar version checker There are a ton of scripts to browse, however a good handful may be outdated. If you come across a few of these scripts, please report them here. Happy Botting, -The OSBot Staff
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