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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Please describe to me what a human-like point is.
  2. Both. People who want to test out the latest and greatest, scripters who want to make sure their scripts run on the next upcoming version, botters who want to make sure their farm is running well, etc.
  3. Okay stop saying buzz words and just tell me you're using tensor flow and call it a day.
  4. Why would you train on real data? It would take you a really long time. Define deep learning and what specifically you plan on using.
  5. Of course it will be harder. You don't have a mouse and keyboard.
  6. The break condition is checked on the beginning of a cycle.
  7. Alek

    Jagex Mods

    Yes, all anticheat companies do this. Yes, antiban hasnt worked in probably 15 years.
  8. ..... Please read the API: https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/event/WalkingEvent.html Don't use web walking, go through the API, use Google to lookup errors. Also the logic is still flawed, you're only condition for walking back to an area is if some timer goes off.
  9. Alek

    Runelite safe?

    It's open source, more safe than OSBuddy.
  10. Don't use ids, they change all the time. Use the solution Slut posted. Also don't web walk to a random position (use the area itself), that method will fail at some point because a random position can be one that's not walkable. Also web walker makes decisions base off whether or not the destination is an area or position.
  11. There's no closest Dairy Cow.
  12. Since this was reported by another issue, I'll try looking into it @Logicfury. Most likely it's some mirror mode issue, but I could be very wrong. Edit: I was wrong, gray names are having the problem as well.
  13. Alek

    Stealth Quester

    Individual scripts aren’t detected, this would mean private scripts are undetected which they are not.
  14. Use the download link provided on my original post.
  15. Still not reported: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/102-client-bugs-suggestions/
  16. Hid all the posts that didn't answer your question and gave you alternative answers instead. The answer to your question is that when you use WalkingEvent(area), the event will try and create a path to that destination using an algorithm. However if that destination is not in a loaded region, it will fail. To overcome this, you can create a manual path: To walk to a specific position, as others have previously suggested, set the mindistancethreshold to 0. So to reiterate, it only works "sometimes" because the area you are trying to reach is only "sometimes" loaded.
  17. If you switched from resizable to fixed or vice versa then you need to restart the client.
  18. It was never reported so I have no idea.
  19. Still working on it, its taking a lot of work but I'm hopeful.
  20. Woops! That was an old changelog. Updated the changelog to what it should have been - thanks!
  21. Download Link: http://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.5.14.jar Changelog: -Improved world hop scrolling, its now silky smooth and doesn't throw errors -Temporarily removed preferred worlds
  22. Do you get this issue when you're not running in nointerface mode?
  23. We're still onto you @Beezmans
  24. whered you go

    1. Scotty


      none of your business, you blocked me when i needed help

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