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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Talk to Maldesto, maybe he can try working something out.
  2. Alek

    Fruity NMZ

    Make a dispute/refund request, I don't hand out money to random posts I'm tagged in.
  3. AMD typically has more L3 cache than the intels. I mean I did switch over to an i7, but at what cost?
  4. Oh please. If you're leaving over thread.sleep(time), I'll still be able to sleep at night.
  5. Humans don't randomize all that much in repetitive tasks, actually we are quite good at such repetition.
  6. Content Developer != Programming. You must really have a love for the game, also I'd check out their Glassdoor. If it's something you really want to do then good luck!
  7. Says the guy with no f keys or numpad. Guess your keyboard is good for browsing facebook and like posts on reddit, or whatever else normie non-programmers do.
  8. Alek


    God we're still talking about this 40M exp, unbelievable.
  9. Click "Scripts" on this website at the top. Find a script you like, press "Add". Open OSBot. Add bot. Wait until login screen. Press play button. Select Script. Press "Start". Script start for you.
  10. Alek

    4k Scaling

    Okay I'll disregard this thread and move it to general help then.
  11. I'm putting enough pressure on scripters right now between API changes and code requirements. It's something I'd look at much later lol.
  12. I've wanted to do something like this for a while. To be honest though, it's an issue with scripters. I think that they do trials because it boosts activity on their threads when people spam. The purpose of a trial is to show that a script is working; but established scripts don't need such a trial, their reputation should be good enough.
  13. I didnt release .127, tag someone else
  14. Alek

    APA AIO Miner

    Released as a VIP+ Script instead of free, sorry guys!
  15. Want me to link you to the same bot that had massive ban waves a year ago because their community admin is a jackass and baited Jagex?
  16. You literally quoted me explaining why fungus scripts are on the restricted premium list.
  17. Im going to be using it for function hooking. ProjectPact beat me to it.
  18. Depends on how heavy his scripts are (paints, guis, etc), also depends on if they are using web walking. Without web walking and provided the script is lightweight, 1GB would be pushing it. With web walking, 2GB would be really pushing it as well.
  19. Depends on the operating system and how many processes and services you can strip. Reserve ~500MB for your operating system for everything, you are only left with 250MB for OSBot. You'd barely be able to run just Runescape, since the game alone is about 300MB. 750MB I don't think is enough.
  20. Not sure whose fungus script he wanted on the SDN, but I don't accept fungus scripts. We've had about five fungus scripts on the SDN, they all break because these types of scripts are usually made by newer scripters. I'd probably accept one made by an S3, but on the other hand I'd be very suspicious why an S3 would make one in the first place. Also the guy PMed me and I was about to ban him; before seeing this thread. You guys know me all to well.
  21. I don't think you really understand what you are doing. At a very rudimentary level, most methods in OSBot you can test because they return as a boolean. Second, you state that after "antiban()" is called your "timer stops completely" but you don't show your "antiban" method. Finally, your script will not perfectly execute your code in the exact same amount of time every time; and your client will not send packets on a consistent exact latency, and the server will not accept and process your requests exactly the same every single time. Let's say we live in your perfect world where all of that is true (or there is some way to find out), with some middle school statistics we can find your upper and lower bounds along with your mean over the course of your script running. TLDR: You didn't give us any information, post your "antiban" code and test what your OSBot API methods are returning. Also, you didn't really mention if a stack trace was generated, I'm going to assume not.
  22. Welcome to the community, enjoy your stay friend.
  23. Alek

    4k Scaling

    It's a Java issue, specifically Swing. AFAIK JFX is built on top of Swing, not sure if they fixed dpi aware issues. TLDR sorry I can't unless anyone here has a solution which I'm not aware of.
  24. I remember correcting someone on the copy pasta before, and I'll correct them again. It's an AGM-114. The person who originally wrote this like 10 years ago made a typo.
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