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Everything posted by Alek

  1. I'm also hardcoding dimensions, so Im sure that doesnt help.
  2. Im never giving Scripters the ability to handle usernames and passwords at an SDN capacity. You will need to use CLI norandoms and write all the bank pin and login code. It really isnt that difficult, Im sure there are snippets by now.
  3. There is no way to prove that. Nobody from any botting site can make any claim to the "rate" of getting banned. The only people who can do this is the game company themselves.
  4. Smaller code does not mean more efficient code. Such as the case with lambdas, it doesnt always mean its more efficient.
  5. Post in the General Support/Help section, sounds like an error on your end since we haven't been getting any other complaints about it.
  6. Not possible for mods but its possible for me. If I'm opening up the database to see that information, Im banning literally everyone involved in. For instance, DyQuest wants to know if "John's legit services" botted on his account. Regardless of the outcome, I'm banning DyQuest, John, all of John's workers, DyQuest's relatives, DyQuest's friends, DyQuest's ip range and email provider, and sending a notice to DyQuest's bank saying that we are refusing future transactions from them. Edit: So just to make this clear, we have that information. If I'm asked about that information, I'll actually ban and might even wipe all your purchases. I'm not joking.
  7. You need to use scripts that have "antiban", it prevents you from getting any bans 100% satisfaction. I would not bot on those accounts for 6+ months, also come to realize if they get banned again you will never get them back. I just got my main unbanned after 3 years.
  8. Not sure what this means, scripters can write code that can bring your character into the mining guild as of right now.
  9. The error states that your boot options aren't valid, try checking the proxy tab and your CLI arguments (if you are using it).
  10. That doesn't make any sense. "Spikes" can happen for many, many reasons such as GC cycles which can be affected by setting max heap space "aka -mem". It could also be affected by the way a script is written. The JDK comes with the JRE. Java doesn't run on a JDK, it runs on a JRE. If you are running Linux, you especially need to know how this works because you need to set up environment variables correctly (Google "linux java home"). In Windows this is very easy: Just to make this 100% clear, Java does NOT run on the JDK. It runs on the JRE which comes with the JDK or as a standalone.
  11. Your server doesnt need the JDK, it only needs the JRE. The JDK only comes with the JRE. You only need the JDK if you're writing code in Java, if you're only running bots then JRE is all thats needed.
  12. The API docs arent updated, all the random methods were removed because they force new programmers into bad design, learning bad scripting.
  13. Seems like a script issue to me, I used the buttons yesterday and they were working just fine. Make sure you give enough time before each loop so the script can exit.
  14. Why would you not be able to do "-allow norandoms"? Correct this is for within the script only. For fully automated farms with custom login you will still need this CLI option.
  15. Download Link: https://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.4.131.jar It's been a pretty busy summer for me so I haven't been able to push out too many updates, so today I worked on a lot of highly requested suggestions/bugs. First is the ability to override the OSBot Break Manager. Originally all "random events" had the ability to be overrided but after way too many problems with the client being blamed for script issues, I removed it. Today script writers can override the Break Manager but the botter will be notified with a big warning message to make a clear distinction. I will not be giving script writers the ability to override any event that requires access to sensitive information, this includes AutoLogin and BankPin. RandomSolver solver = new RandomSolver(RandomEvent.BREAK_MANAGER) { @Override public boolean shouldActivate() { return false; } @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { return 0; } }; bot.getRandomExecutor().overrideOSBotRandom(solver); Additionally since many more scripters are using the canvas to add listeners, I thought it would be a good idea to ensure they are getting cleared after the script exits. I'm sure there are many scripts out there not properly handling this, causing erroneous issues. Finally, I believe I fixed an issue where you would select a new script in the Script Selector and it would instead start up a previous one. Version 2.4.131 Release -Added override for OSBot Break Manager -Force clear listeners from canvas on script exit -Fixed typo in VIP message -Fixed old issue with Script Selector starting incorrect script
  16. The main guy in charge of these issues is typically @Zach. It's a somewhat common issue and I think maybe someone else can help you before he gets around to looking at it. If you still have issues after a week come back here and make another topic.
  17. Sounds like an issue with a particular script or perhaps some sort of loop. I'm assuming this happens after you either press the stop or pause button?
  18. I like how at 1:06 it shows the Break Manager working and everyone on here cries to me about it not working.
  19. I really try and steer newcomers away from starting a farm for these very reasons, but I'm sure you learned a lot from doing it. It's very rare that someone makes more than if they would have picked up a "real job"; that's not to say it's bad side money. It really boils down to how much of your free time you want to invest and how much you enjoy it. Glad to hear you finished your degree. Also I'll be looking into improving some CLI stuff over the next few weeks when Im back in the full swing of things.
  20. Alek


    So I unbanned you earlier and you poke the bear. Alright i'm putting your ban back to what it originally was.
  21. Once events are done they have a finished state, meaning they can't be re-executed. Prior to executing an event, it has a "ready" state. This is why you can't re-execute events.
  22. We have a Zulrah script; also you needed help reading and writing to a file. Sorry but you're a worse troll than dmmslaver, go over to a competitor bot because I don't want you here. Best of luck.
  23. As a Java god you should write your own client using JavaFX (of course the non-existent version that doesn't inherit Swing).
  24. HeyImJamie answered your question, you can read/write inside of the local OSBot folder. Look up "Script" in the API for the directory method.
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