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Everything posted by Alek

  1. As d0zza stated, conditional sleeps, conditional loops, checking the results of those sleeps and loops, checking the results of actions, etc.
  2. It doesn't list RAM requirement, but I'd suggest 2GB especially if you plan on using a script that has web walking.
  3. He should refund a script that can't be started from any point in time, it means the script writer has poor logic. Only exception would be something like quests or some sort of minigame perhaps.
  4. I don't see why were even have that pause feature, should remove it.
  5. Download link: https://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.4.129.jar Initially I thought it was an issue with my new listeners I added to the client with F9/F10, but the issue persisted even when i removed them. Additionally I did improve the F9/F10 keys by not having them trigger the in-game switching stuff. Let me know how this functionality works. 1. Not tested on mirror mode 2. Not tested on multiple tabs I don't really have time to be doing updates right now, so I didn't have time to do proper testing. This will probably be my last update for a few weeks.
  6. It's normal on other clients, but they are not allowing Java to run at its default settings as I explained above.
  7. If you were using a client that was "only using" 300-350 mb, it means they were setting the max heap space on that jvm to something not natural. If you would like, you can replicate that same behavior but I really recommend not. OSBot allows Java to naturally use and allocate resources. The command line argument for this is: java -jar "osbot.jar" -mem 512 Once again, I really recommend not doing this but I'm not going to stop you.
  8. You can't run on OSBot for longer than 45 minutes without being banned, and I have accounts with 90+ stats using only OSBot. Clearly there is something which isn't adding up.
  9. People can get banned with mirror mode, we never made any claim otherwise. Mirror mode is supposed to help with detection since it keeps the game on its natural jvm. There are other reasons why you can get banned, similarly there are other reasons why vap0r is getting banned.
  10. How can we tell your ip isnt flagged? How can we tell a file wasn't put on your computer and that file is used to track you? How can we tell your HWID isnt tracked?
  11. You need to be able to walk on the destination tile. If there is an object there that you can't walk on, then the even will fail. This is why you cannot use something like myPlayer.getArea(1) or area.getrandomposition
  12. Alek

    Proxy error

    Not a client error, moving to General Help.
  13. Alek

    Mobile games

    I'd be really surprised if those games didn't have server verification.
  14. Web walking takes some time to initialize, it's definitely not stuck. If it's "stuck", you can verify by checking the output of the event.
  15. @DevilApes You can make 140M worth of gold in like 2 days of work as a dishwasher. Must be kiddos that can't work because they are too young.
  16. He shouldn't be using separate classes if he doesn't know a lick about OOP.
  17. getDataDirectory() + /* whatever file structure here */
  18. You're telling me that someone was desperate enough to log onto your PayPal, see that you didn't have enough money worth taking, so they decided to chargeback items which you recently purchased, which opens up a chargeback claim that takes approximately 1-2 weeks to fully process, all to steal about $20 (if he won the claim), and the hacker didn't trigger any of the many PayPal protections; but you caught it within 10 minutes. Just making sure we're getting the story straight here.
  19. Everyone here is spewing their garbage about bans and not answering the questions asked by the OP. The answer to this question is yes. The answer to this question is hypothetical, meaning nobody knows the answers and you're going to get a lot of opinions stated as fact. Since this was posted in General Help and not the Bans section (aka the forum filled with morons), I'll consider this post as resolving the answers to your questions. If you have more questions regarding bans, go to the "Bans" section where people will tell you a bunch of bullshit because 99% of the people there don't have a background in reversing or math.
  20. Finally, someone who can replicate the bug instead of giving me the same info. I threw you some free vip.
  21. Very useful information, thank you.
  22. You didnt mention if you were using multiple tabs, multiple clients, etc. This doesnt help me at all. Edit: I was able to reproduce the bug, but I'm not sure if what I fix will fix your issue.
  23. Download link: https://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.4.128.jar Maybe this will fix low cpu mode and the double typing issue some people are having. No idea what changed on the game itself or from 2.4.126 -> 2.4.127, so hopefully my educated guesses worked out in this version. Let me know below.
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