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Everything posted by Alek

  1. 10% is the variance. If you would like more control over this, you can override the Break Manager. Check out my recent releases topics, I include a snippet for it.
  2. We already have enough sections on the forum; and there are other forums than this one better suited for what you're asking for.
  3. It's a development build, hence the topic has the tag "[Dev Build]"
  4. Download: https://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.4.134.jar Changelog: -Updated Lunar Spellbook (Reported by @Eliot, Account donation by @Fruity) -Added quantity checks to GE API (Reported by @Eliot) -Added Quest (Reported by @seeker) -Patched scrolling issue in Worlds API (Reported by @Okabe)
  5. Java by default reserves a large amount of memory for heap space. This only becomes an issue in environments where you are limited, so setting the max heap is actually a viable option in your case. Now heap space is underlined because there is also stack space, which you cannot control. So although you may set your max heap space to 1GB, java may use a bit more. 800MB max heap leaving 200MB for stack is probably a good estimate to keep the client at around 1GB. What you'll want to do is run one client with webwalking, wait probably 5 minutes then start the next client. If you don't wait, you will likely get an out of memory exception If you can, don't use web walking and ensure that the script you are using is efficient. Large GUIs, fancy paints, all this kind of stuff will hinder your 2 client on 2 GB requirement.
  6. No, its not instant ban because I've ran all but 3 or 4 quests on it without a ban. This topic is slanderous so I'm going to lock it.
  7. Set the max heap space to 800MB using CLI.
  8. When are quests green and not finished, or when quests are red but already started?
  9. I like how there are all these suggestions for writing your own API instead of submitting a "Client Suggestion" to get the quest added to the existing API.
  10. JOptionPane is some convenient special type of JFrame. You cannot actually combine the two. Luckily, JOptionPane is made simply of a JLabel ("Enter Mob Name"), and a JTextField component. Simply add these two components to your GUI.
  11. If you have an account with Lunar Spellbook, private message me your RS username, password, and time when I can log onto your account. Please store all your items in the bank and secure your bank with a bank pin. This will be used to update the Lunar Spellbook section of our API. Alternatively if you already have VIP/Sponsor, I'll work with Maldesto on an extension. If you have Scripter/Lifetime, you'll get a warm cookie and a high five. Thanks
  12. A lot of scripters on here are going to teach you bad practices, and you're going to learn bad programming. The official way of initializing MethodProvider in your own API is to exchange context, not passing the Script instance. For whatever reason, someone figured out some hacky solution ages ago and everyone learned from that. The correct way: Pass "Bot" to a new class. Have this class contain a new instance of MethodProvider or have it extend MethodProvider. Now use "exchangeContext(Bot)". Alternatively you could just pass the bot instance and call your methods directly, aka "bot.getMethods().getCombat().method()". Second, "this" keyword is used for disambiguation. You only use it for something like this: class test { boolean x = true; test(boolean x) { this.x = x; } If you're using it as a personal preference/coding style, then don't. A lot of try hards who are new to programming do "this". As for task/node/whatever, a lot of scripters completely disregard all optimization when using this style. For instance there will be some "should activate" method, and then in the executor the same code exists. For instance: shouldActivate() { Objects obj = objects.closest("Tree"); return obj != null; } execute() { Objects obj = objects.closest("Tree"); obj.interact("Chop"); } In this example "Tree" is being searched for twice which is very inefficient. You can avoid these bad practices, but you should really spend time understanding programming first. State logic would be a good stepping stone.
  13. This is not how you use Java. This is not a client bug, moving this to General Help so someone can show you how to use Java.
  14. How do we know your ip address isnt flagged?
  15. Chatbox getMessages(Chatbox.MessageType messageType)
  16. Add it to the canvas. I haven't had time to investigate why the other route isn't working. Remember to remove your listeners once the script exits.
  17. Your avatar is not a cat frog, bad times friend ahead.
  18. Deleting the folder does nothing but having a lucky coincidence. You can't take a break if you're in combat.
  19. Are you using a combat script?
  20. I think I got the input bug fixed, finally. If not it's definitely a lot better than it was before. I made sure to test on having multiple tabs open, since that would seem to trigger it the most. Changelog: -Patch: Bot menu text color restored after bot loaded -Patch: Initial bot in bot menu set to selected -Patch: Another attempt at input enable/disable issue -Patch: Script selector list shows default icon on images that failed to load -QOL: Script selector can be traversed with arrow keys
  21. Ugh then just write the autologin event and clear it using norandoms. A ban checker is meant for bot farmers.
  22. Edit: Try bot.switchAccount(); It's an older method I wrote.
  23. I bet if I took a poll and did not allow scripters to vote on it, 90% of the voters would vote NO to allowing scripters access to your usernames and passwords.
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