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Everything posted by Alek

  1. You can only override abstract methods or methods derived from interfaces. That's a java question though, not specific to any API. Many scripters choose to use the new functional parts of the Java 8 API which helps clean up code. Don't wrap your code needlessly just for the sake of "making your own" API, all you're doing is giving your processor more instructions to process.
  2. If you have an interest in both Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, I'd really recommend to you Computer Engineering. Computer Engineering has a bit less focus on higher level languages (SQL, Python, Java, etc) with more emphasis on hardware description languages and assembly (VHDL, Verilog, MIPS, ARM, etc). With that said there is a little bit more math requirement, but it's typically an additional math course. You will be exposed to higher level languages like C++, Python, and Java as you will take CS courses as well. I recently took a graduate VLSI course which is very EE/CE orientated, really cool stuff and it would convince me to switch from CS if it wasnt for the additional courses. The master's is good, but be sure you are keeping up with actual code writing and not only doing what you do in university. University doesn't give you a lot of practical programming experience; many professors don't have any industry experience and they like things which are ridiculous like functional programming. Try and look for professors with industry experience and take those classes, they will help write your letters of recommendation or help get you a job. Some things you will do regardless (if you go to a state university): -Calculus (at least 2 semesters) -More calculus or differential equations (esp for CE) or linear (useful for cs) -C/C++ through an operating systems class -Some digital logic class that teaches you about logic gates, k-maps, flip flops, etc. -Higher level language like Python or Java or scripting language If you don't have a bachelor's and you want your master's, many public universities like the ones in California, New York, and Massachusetts often offer combined BS/MS degrees that help you get your Master's a year faster. Hope this helps.
  3. You want to donate VIP to someone?
  4. Free VIP: I need you to collect Charter ship data from the following locations: Musa Point, Crandor, Corsair Cove For each I need: 1. Location on the dock near a Crewmember 2. Location on the ship anchored next to the dock (MUST BE EXACT) like this: 3. A list of quests required to access that charter. If there is any false information, I'm going to be very upset and it would ruin my holiday spirit. Free Sponsor: Once the Free VIP is awarded, I'll assign you a specific task of collecting price information for each dock to other docks. For instance the price of Port Sarim to each of the other docks (if they are reachable). Please wait until Free VIP has been awarded for more information!
  5. Way too fast, it's the cause of all bans.
  6. It also takes someone who knows the game and actively reverses it. Not sure why you need the translation snippet when you can achieve the result you are looking for relatively easily using the OSBot API.
  7. I hope you know OSBot graphics util methods provides the world to screen translation; I mean best of luck if you want to figure that out on your own.
  8. Was it a common pin like the last 4 of your social, birthday, etc? Were you using private scripts?
  9. You will certainly get banned by your own script, don't think for a second that private scripts will make a difference. Bot responsibly, especially if you don't want to lose those accounts.
  10. You do not have proof of what they are detecting or are not detecting. By this same logic you can say that other bots must use mouse clicks that are under 100ms, because they get bans as well.
  11. Any response made in this thread which answers your original question is baseless. I'd like to see where you found this detection. Edit: You should try asking questions like "what have you guys done that improves success in botting?" Nobody knows the answer to your question except the antibot team.
  12. We're only accepting bogecoin, memecoin, and zimbabwe sheckles at this time.
  13. Web walker data is loaded once when its called initially, then its not deallocated because we expect the call to be made again. For detailed output don't use the logger, the logger is meant for non-scripters. Run OSBot in Command-Line to see detailed outputs. java -jar "osbot.jar -debug 5005"
  14. Your "random" code is not random either, with enough time we can track the normally distributed mean and variance. Also "this" is for context disambiguity, no need to use it!
  15. No bot is completely undetectable, anyone making this claim is lying. There's always a risk, but for what you are asking it's a very, very small chance. In the future please only ask about "ban chance" questions in the Botting and Bans section of the forum. These types of questions attract tinfoilers and conspiracy who base results on a little more than a hunch (at best). We like to keep all the misinformation and toxicity in one place. Best of luck!
  16. Only Americans are confused by traffic circles. "Nah Id rather wait at a light with no other cross traffic than use my common sense".
  17. Juggles Juggles AIO Fisher https://osbot.org/forum/topic/112932-j HunterRS AIO Jewelry Maker https://osbot.org/forum/topic/130047-f liverare Glassblower https://osbot.org/forum/topic/131642-g Charlotte Char's Dhide Tanner https://osbot.org/forum/topic/131705-c Apaec APA Rooftop Agility https://osbot.org/forum/topic/131579-a Chris Excellent Smithing https://osbot.org/forum/topic/131471-★ Enjoy!
  18. I've done this in OSBot before. The easiest way is to let the user type whatever they want. When when a user clicks a "submit" button, then your program parses the text, removes all invalid characters using regex, and processes the result. You can do this or detect invalid characters and give an error message. Edit: Input: v9 3 Output: 93 Or Input: v9 3 Output: Error Message
  19. "only 4-6 hours a day" - That's a lot of hours if it's a main account.
  20. In case you're a scripter: settings.isWarningActive(Settings.Warning.WILDERNESS_DITCH)
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