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Everything posted by Alek

  1. I understand you are frustrated but please tone it down a notch or two. What do you mean it drops one at a time for Perfect Fisher? Be more specific on whats "shitty" on OSFisher. Do this on their threads, you posted in the "Scripting Help" section, and since you are not scripting anything, please don't post in here.
  2. Alek

    RAM issues

    OMFG stop using task manager: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer
  3. Alek

    OSBot 2.5.3

    Changelog: -Fixed Grand Exchange collect(boolean) method (reported by @@TrekToop11) -Patched Welcome Screen bug (reported by @ez11, @gptaqbc) -Fixed Low Resource mode and advertisments for VIP (reported by @Aap) -Fixed Low Resource mode human input icon being incorrect -Made Low Resource mode and No Interface mode VIP only -Updated Character hasMentionedPhrase -Accounts alphabetically sorted -Scripts alphabetically sorted (again) -Various core webwalking improvements -Updated web walking map data -Potential fix for local resource loading (reported by @FrostBug)
  4. Hey this section is for general client bugs/suggestions. This appears to be a mirror mode specific issue so I'll move this over to the mirror mode section. Sorry for the wait!
  5. Exactly what Lemons said, not sure why we're spreading misinformation about our API not having this functionality and it being an RSBuddy exclusive. I'm not using configs anywhere in the GE API. Also you might want to leverage some of the existing methods, looks like you're rewriting a lot of code just so you have something that collects the items at the end. You can have them as separate methods without it looking bad by any means. Unless of course there's something about sellItem/buyItem that you absolutely hate.
  6. Playtime is definitely a factor in bans, this is confirmed via bot busting livestreams. Just because you aren't banned doesn't mean you found the solution, you could very well already be flagged. Anticheat doesn't traditionally work by instantly banning accounts. A lot of scripts don't operate at high efficiency, they are usually less reactive and dumber compared to humans; especially scripts that add useless antiban methods. Tell me how many people you know play games on VPNs.
  7. I don't work on client hook updates, flattered that you think I do that too though.
  8. Game update and you are using ids
  9. You shouldn’t use ids. Use strings or sprites
  10. The purpose of mirror mode is to have the game client running in its natural environment, removing doubt about certain client detection points. Mirror mode is not intended for bot farmers, this was never the intention. It's intended for someone who is either botting a main or secondary account and wants to bot carefully. There are many reasons to consider both using stealth and mirror, as there are also many reasons why someone may be banned. If you plan on suicide botting an account straight from tutorial island, perhaps mirror mode won't prove effective for you.
  11. It's the new OSBot update, I'm adding an extra 400MB in frog memes to be loaded into memory. Seriously though, why are you using Task Manager for this? You're not going to get accurate information.
  12. I hid all the comments in this thread because they were either being unproductive or referred you to a custom world hopper which has absolutely nothing to do with your issue. Your issue is that you're using an OSBot API method that no longer exists, specifically the Skills hoverSkill method. You will need to either write your own method or remove it from your code. Please refer to the new API docs and the 2.5.X release threads. Edit: I see why you were referred to a world hopper, you made the title of this thread "world hopper" for some unknown reason.
  13. Then make a ban appeal and tell them what you told us.
  14. Alek

    OSBot 2.5.3

    What are you talking about
  15. Ensure you have java installed. Also check out my video: It says how to open with Java instead of Winrar, but it will work with anything thats its opening with besides Java. Moving to correct support section.
  16. or simply !getPlayers().getAll().isEmpty() Edit: to account for my player just check if size == 1
  17. university students. Found this old screenshot I had of a group project from 1.5 years ago. Enjoy.
  18. I'm not sure you're using due process correctly in that context Gun laws, just like all other laws, are regulated at the federal, state, and local levels. The state can restrict freedoms but not grant more freedoms than the federal government. For instance, in New York you might just be flat-out rejected for a firearm if you live in New York City, whereas you can get one by driving an hour north in the same state. In the case of marijuana use, it's a special case. Here we do in fact have the state granting more freedoms than the federal government. To this day, it is still very illegal for anyone to smoke weed at the federal level. When states started legalizing it, Obama made a mandate saying that he will not prosecute citizens of these crimes they are committing in states where its legal. Not sure how I got to this topic...
  19. I understand the scary black rifle concept. The American people elected a president who would protect and give more gun rights for this crazy notion of "keeping our government in check with a well armed militia". He overturned a completely logical regulation that prevented people with mental health issues from purchasing a firearm capable of punching holes through walls, 30 rounds at a time (not a musket). What we got was a school full of children dead and a militia that is still completely outmatched by the logistical and weapon superiority of the government.
  20. I'm all for personal protection and even shooting for fun at the range, there's enough people with guns in America where simply banning them would prove to be too beneficial for criminals. I do respect the argument that criminals don't follow laws, so you can't make more laws that they will obey. However, I'm very adamant on all firearms requiring owners to be 21+, mental health checks being reinstated (Trump overturned this "Obama era policy" and is now reinstating it?), and for rifles to have a 10-15 round capacity. I think the "assault" weapon features are ridiculous, they really don't do anything. This is legal: But this is not:
  21. It uses Xmx, which allocates heap space - so this is correct.
  22. Alek

    staking question

    Wait what, really? Like tournament world? I was talking about the doubling strategy where when you lose you double the stake, keep doubling until you eventually win.
  23. Alek

    staking question

    Im pretty sure odds staking only applies to the rng of the game, having different stats is not odds?
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