hey guys let me know what you think my baby is worth.
Quests- Every f2p quest except shield of arrav
-animal magnetism
big chompy
creature of fenkenstrain
Death Plateau
druidic ritual
dwarf cannon
the fued
fishing contest
fremmy trials
gertrudes cat
the golem
the grand tree
holy grail
horror from the deep
jungle potion
lunar diplomacy
merlins crystal
monkey madness I
mtn daughter
nature spirit
priest in peril
shadow of the storm
shilo village
temple of ikov
tourist trap
tree gnome village
troll stronghold
waterfall quest
Im 76 combat, account will only come with untradeables, which will be listed shortly, so will the quest list.Account has had a bot busting ban, and im the original owner. let me know what you think