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Everything posted by iamspecs

  1. nah im in the same boat, i have an unfinished voider just looking for a PC too
  2. Its just a PC, whats wrong with that?
  3. trusted person need it done, message me through here, seriously no nobodies allowed.
  4. hey im interested/ Skype me:cory hengy
  5. Fremmy Trials Jungle Potion Shilo Village Merlins Crystal Holy Grail Recruitment Drive hit me up on this thread if you can do them!
  6. Still need them completed, name your price leave your skypes below if you actually respond quickly.
  7. messaged on skype, hurry i gotta leave soon if possible.
  8. Souls Bane,in search of myreque, in aid of myreque,nature spirit,holy grail,merlins crystal. be done whenever trusted people only!
  9. Hey guys, account just got hacked i was pretty much done questing with it, well anyways im looking for an account to buy 07gp or USD$ looking for Voider/Zerker or nice pure just hit me up super bummed out right now.
  10. name your price, i want their names to be stupid as fuck like JamesHenry or some random first and last names, with numbers. ill pay whatever u want, 07 or paypal. message me quick on here
  11. i only need 2 accounts right now but will need more in the future im sure, and you can price it, ill pay it. im just curious as to what you think its worth because i have no clue, im new to this thing.
  12. looking for someone who can build accounts for me I need: 15mining 13agility 8crafting 9runecrafting 20fishing 5thieving rune mysteries done varrock easy diary done If you think you can handle these tasks ill pay hefty price for each account already will have mems on it. reply or message me here thanks
  13. Reliable trusted people only, and if your price is getting beat then you better rethink. my Skype: Iamspex i have a list and will send it once you tell me youre from osbot, cheers!
  14. Ill sell 2 mort myre fungus accounts, 10m ea. message me on skype :iamspex: i will be using a MM
  15. sounds to me like you got the same problem as me, shitty computer.
  16. thats a find, ive heard so many stories of people finding them on the side of streets, ya if i found one on the side of the street i wouldnt worry about returning it, if someone heard their phone they should pick it up. careless fucks
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