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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. http://osbot.org/forum/forum/180-tutorials/ http://osbot.org/forum/forum/250-tutorials/
  2. Lol, not this again. Ima go ahead and point out that he didnt state he was botting them at the same time, but it'll be worth a mod doing an ip check for alt accounts.
  3. My buddy was 126 maxed when it happened. He wasnt botting at the time, he had signed in on T*bot once or twice but never actually botted. He wasn't a botter. And yet this still happened to him. He went from 0 bans -> deleted acc. Contacted jagex, when they replied they said 'it isnt a bug, you got banned for botting. Thats what happens when you bot' and that was that, account gone forever. I expected more from jagex, really.
  4. As was said above, change what you have to this: public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { long millis = System.currentTimeMillis() - /* this.variables. */startTime; long hours = millis / 3600000L; millis -= hours * 3600000L; long minutes = millis / 60000L; millis -= minutes * 60000L; long seconds = millis / 1000L; // DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("mm:ss"); g.setColor(Color.WHITE); g.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 15)); g.drawString("Main script state: " + (mainState), 150, 20); g.setColor(Color.ORANGE); g.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12)); g.drawString("Sub script state: " + (subState), 25, 35); g.drawString("Time running: " + (hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds), 25, 50); }
  5. I'm actually also experiencing this. My pathwalking worked fine in 2.1.11, but seems not to work as well in 2.1.12 Seems to be a common issue. Im glad the banking sorta works but still a couple bugs there too. We're making progress tho! x)
  6. Its true tho I fall for it every time
  7. Hehe was running through ideas I've actually already removed the ads from the gui, that was just for the test period. I wasn't really getting paid hehe ;) Just flicking through different ideas and seeing which ones work.
  8. Apaec

    Uber Dragon

    Man don't grill him, he's done a good job, praise it
  9. Apaec


    Yeap, just can't get enough of fishing hehe Its frustrating, all i want to do is write and test my scripts. I don't bot any more than that hehe :C
  10. Apaec

    Uber Dragon

    lel decompiled and noticed there are only 2 levels Kept losing a life to that annoying son of a bitch on one pillar :p Also i only just realised about the fire balls and scratch lel Nice work tho :0
  11. Apaec

    Uber Dragon

    hehe nice Edit: 2hard4me ragequit
  12. Good luck buddy You guno do it at rock crabs?
  13. ^. I'm impressed with how you guys have dealt with this - after reading through the disputes, good on you Keep it up
  14. Hehe I'm cycling through ideas, seeing what's worth it and what looks good. This is by no means final. Sorry, it does, I just uploaded an older GUI pic. Will update this when I get round to it EDIT: Heres the gui, just took a quick shot with the setup I use. Annoyingly, regarding the update today (which changed the looks of the spec bar), special attacks are currently not working. I'm sure the devs will patch it soon enough though.
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