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Scripter III
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Everything posted by Apaec

  1. no. All you do is reduce the chances they will release f2p perm.
  2. Hey guys, as im sure all of you know, with the recent f2p update,some cool things have happened. One of which wilderness demotion, which means that on f2p worlds (381+) , there are no chaos druids at the chaos altar. This means my free script, http://osbot.org/forum/topic/48862-apa-temple-burier-released/ APA temple burier, can be run now without any requirements, free for all. I have fixed it up to work for f2p worlds, and the latest version is 1.2. IT WILL NOT WORK ON ANY OTHER VERSION! I just thought i'd let you all know now that this script has had its requirements slashed (previously required 37 prayer on p2p worlds...), so feel from to go out there and get some FREE PRAYER LEVELS YEA! (1-20 takes ~1h). Start script in lummy or at the temple. Enjoy! - feedback on thread is very welcome. DO NOT RUN THIS SCRIPT UNLESS IT IS VERSION 1.2!
  3. Apaec


    I dont mind this too much, its just more b4nk can be made when the f2p isn't temporary. Its a shame people are perhaps wasting this opportunity
  4. Apaec


    We can make a contribution by minimising our bot users. I'm sure they're saying the same thing over there.
  5. Apaec


    Guys too many bots, stop it. Are you trying to kill f2p? not cool really not cool emptiest world, all bots in just that minimap section. Really guys? >> This would be ok once f2p is permanent, but can't you resist it for 2 weeks please.
  6. Although, I believe they can still detect the client.
  7. Very nice, thank you for sharing, will add it to the thread. Did you make this? Edit: Np, just read "remade by Array" at the top. Tyvm for sharing the download
  8. I flicked through the source and it seemed okay. If you're really worried i'd wait until Pseudo releases his modded osrs version, but it's up to you. I'm looking forward to Pseudos, assuming he finds it, and it will no-doubt be clean.
  9. Would love to see this!
  10. Thanks for letting me know, updated the thread.
  11. Yep, but you can also import images etc, so its handy for working out perfect positioning etc.
  12. This is a handy tool i found earlier today, thought I would share it with you guys. I did not create, or have anything to do with this tool, I simply stumbled across it. I am not sure when it was made but judging by the preview it isn't designed for oldschool. Here is the direct link to the download (I did not upload this, take care) : [Removed, scroll down for latest version] Here are some screenies of it in progress: Do not associate me with any of this, I am simply posting it for you guys to take a look and use it. If this is not allowed please remove this post, however it would be a shame seeing as how handy this tool seems to be. Thanks in advance, Apaec. EDIT: Program owned & created by Enfilade from P*Bot. EDIT 2: Credits to Pseudo for sharing the modded version to fit the oldschool client: Download link can be found here: http://up.ht/Sd5LdL Other download link has been removed.
  13. wheres the facepalm emoticon when you need it...
  14. Botting over night is your best bet, when you are pretty much safest from BBM bans.
  15. Sounds good. perhaps a reserve price too?
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