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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. Don't bother it anymore, they will just handle things there way without listening to the actualy people who make the bot a succes. No users -> no bot No scripts -> no decent bot, no users To accomplish something you have to work together, I think thats something that lacks here . I hope @Laz can do this in hes own like he posted an hour ago. Khaleesi
  2. Khaleesi


    Hello mate! Welcome
  3. That awkward moment when you have to vote on your own poll that you love yourself x3
  4. Nothing, It's just the client who is full of bugs, 50% of script time on a script is to fix bugs or write own methods around osbot API ... Thats whats bothers me! My script would be 50% of the code if the API would function how it should be Laz wants us the scripters to fix hes bugs, hes the Dev, he needs to fix them. If hes doesn't have enough time, or just too lazy to fix them then he should hire an API team likes suggested. As far as I could read he rejected the offer. Which means 80% of the scripters will make no new scripts and probs won't even update there old scripts. Bugs are counting up at this point, more bugs are coming then there are solved, If we only could have some decent contact now and then by Laz that would already improve it soo much. Look at the bug tracker, there so many bugs. If I open the tracker i'm forced to close it right away to not get depressed Some of them are in there for several weeks for now. Most of the bugs are very easy fixes and can be done within 30 minutes. Still takes several weeks, So my conclusion: is this caused by Lazines or just a lack of motivation or doesn't he have the knowledge to do it? The issue probably is that he wants to keep making the same money without doing anything, which is almost impossible for the most people. If someone else want to give hes opinion I'm glad to hear it! Khaleesi
  5. can't udnerstand anythign of the last part you said but whatever. If the devs don't listen/care about us why would we care about the community? We tried to talk a lot of times, tried to fix a lot of things, Some pll spend sooooo much time in it and they get nothing. Scripters don't care about the community anymore. Every script 50% of your time you are working a way around a fail osbot methods. All I can say is that the Devs are throwing away a great potential. 80% of the scripters gave up to script anymore today, you cna ask Laz for more info about that. GF Osbot
  6. Blame Osbot, not scripters... If you read the rules we got to release stuff you'll understand There to busy digging there own grave at this moment so don't bother asking them anything! Because it can take over several days to weeks before you get an answer or a fix. Khaleesi
  7. Khaleesi

    OSBot 2.2.8

    Awkward, not sure what fixes you merged... xD
  8. Just check the internet for a 2D polygon and you'll see what you have to do ^^ Why would you even do this? You can't make an area with 1 point (called a point) You can't make an area with 2 points connected with an edge. (called a Line) When you have 3 posiitons added it is called a triangle. With 4 points you'll get a a more complex shape. and so on Khaleesi
  9. Bank method? How are you going to make natures bank method? If you can tell me 1 decent way of another way to run natures runes except abyss, feel free to tell me! Khaleesi
  10. Every scripts has the same bann rate at this point, if you don't want to risk getting banned, don't bot
  11. If the scripters weren't ignored all time and Laz would spend a little more time with them this would be a high quality bot, but since everybody keeps ignoring all messages and ideas from the scripters who spend so much time in this, this bot will indeed die when nothing is going to change. So Laz better gets hes answer ready now bcs hes already 36 hours to late. (Thats how things roll here I assume) Everything happends so slow in here, give an idea and maybe a month later that idea gets realised... currently there only 2 option: CHANGE or DIE and with change I mean CHANGE within the week, don't take another 3 months to think and get screwed over, All this slow *** working is really pissing me off so hard. if you don't agree feel free to leave your opinion. Khaleesi!
  12. I never had a single ban on paid acounts xD Bonds always fucked me over after 3-4 days -_- Not sure if it matters, but thats what I learned :p
  13. New account + bond is asking for a bann As long as you PAY money for the membership they probably don't even care you bot... #jagexLogic
  14. Everybody has been doing this for quite a while i think xD
  15. Thx, I'll check the positions out! x3
  16. Safe path should be safe. Didn't test very long, but it's not running past any monsters.
  17. Pest control isn't that bad... You should try it, and see u can easy do it within a day or 2 No idea, Maybe a slayer?
  18. OK thanks for the heads up, I'll see what i can do about it. Khaleesi
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