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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. He means an Id that doesn't change But most of them / all of them change every thursday I think.
  2. Just use Names, models, Vertices count, etc...
  3. Happends... If you don't to be banned don't bot at all
  4. Not sure who he is but that was funny af xD
  5. Here is mine: Not too good
  6. All energy potions, All super energy pots, All stamina potions, I didn't test the support and stamina but they should work
  7. In the current version No. The next version has been pushed to the SDN. It can take some time for osbot to process it Be patience^^
  8. Added energy support Script will be updated today ^^
  9. Already added my friend I'll be adding this today! Thx for the feedback
  10. Scripting obviously, also taking some drinks with friends is fun! ^^
  11. I don't even know the safe path... If some1 could mark it on a map I can change the path Thx for the post!
  12. Ya guess Thats the way you are connected ^^ My does change Every time ... Hmm
  13. Router has an IP on the internet, like a house adress. Computer has a local IP on your router, like rooms in your house. turn off your router and unplug it from electricity, wait 10 sec and restart it. Should force the router to find yourself a new IP
  14. Hello everyone, I've pushed an update to make the script less bot like, Less use of the minimap, more walking on screen or camera turning. This version should be live as soon as osbot processed it Khaleesi,
  15. As you read the previous post you would know this a bugg. Also said i was going to fix first work today, since i woke up 10 min ago ... If you read some post earlier you also would know this. SCRIPT WILL NOT BE PREMIUM TILL ALL IS FiXED. Thx for the Posts anyway, There are pll who have to work 10 hours a day, then come home to script ... Good i got 3 weekd off since today ! I'll you up to date ;)
  16. Ya I'll be updating it to click less on the minimap ^^ I'll push the update in a hour, so the script should be updated in about 6-12 hours I think. Btw add me on skype ;)
  17. I'm pretty sure they are not, why are pll getting banned after 1-2 hours then? xD Even with stealth enabled? ;) I guess the stealth helps, no doubt, but rs has changed
  18. Stealth detection is pretyt much useless, they just bann people on the fact they don't solve 1 or more randoms in a row. Thats basicly it xD 98% of the banns are auto banns which means the stealth injection has no point at all. I even wonder why that button is even an option? Why not use it always?
  19. Will be added after the bugs are fixed, runescape don't care about potions, they bann bcs u fail 1 or more randoms in a row ;) thats all they do I didn't fixed it yet, I'm going to bed now and in 8-9 hours when i wake thats my first task
  20. I'm here to help, not to get pll banned ;) but it's the truth ;)
  21. Its basicly 1 day and 23 hours now xD they don't show the hours ... jagex logic
  22. Don't bot if you don't want to get banned
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