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Everything posted by Khaleesi

  1. You'll have to pm a moderator for that.
  2. Khaleesi


    because I'm happy atm! , but sad to see him go I loved hes spam xD
  3. Hello, No there is no abyss in this script, just altars. You can refund your buy if needed, not sure howto but I know it's possible. Khaleesi
  4. ... hehe who even makes this? xD
  5. Looks very nice! Why are the desert the flags of walls as water? #jagexLogic
  6. You can buy OSBot vouchers. get some1 who sells them in the market. You'll have to sell a certain amount oif rsgp for the 7.99 voucher u need. Goodluck
  7. Ya I did speed it up a bit, maybe needs to be faster, but thats easy to do. ya runescape updates messes withtbhe client, when client gets fixed script should work fine Khaleesi
  8. Ya but abyss is a way other method then normal altar running bcs abyss is more dangerous and requires some higher def lvls
  9. I'll check out the problem with the super energy potions, I'll fix the repair pouch method. Thx for the post! Well People who craft legit most of the time place it in their inventory, so they have to click less , It's also a bit faster to execute by code, I can make it equip the ring, but since the sscript should never forgot a ring wearing it isn't really used. Is there a teleport method for natures then? Khaleesi
  10. Pouches disappear if you don't repair them after some time. Also my calculations well get messed up because of this.
  11. I'll get it fixed thx for the post. EDIT: Script updated.
  12. There no point in using pouches when you have no npc contact. So either use no pouches or have npc contact... and so if you disable the repairing, the pouch will just continue to break and you'll have to get new pouches. Don't see a point in that
  13. Ya, where some issues client related As soon as the loading_pause random is fixed the script shoudl deff go way faster. I'll speed it up a little back already ^^ Thx!
  14. Thats pretty strange, Maybe it's something with the new client version. I'll give it a try and update! Thx for the posts. It's for sale on the store. Khaleesi
  15. Ya I'm aware if this issue, tried to solve but don't want to hardcode every object... and since osbot takes more then weeks to fix an simple update i rather keep it that way then rewriting my methods AGAIN, Eeven while that can be fixed in 10 min in the API. @Nitro Ya reporting bugs... if you have 4 weeks they might get fixed bcs the priority are webwalking and other stuff we don't need. Better get a stable core first -_- thx for the post both
  16. Ya true But atleast the rules are decent now ...
  17. Don't bother it anymore, they will just handle things there way without listening to the actualy people who make the bot a succes. No users -> no bot No scripts -> no decent bot, no users To accomplish something you have to work together, I think thats something that lacks here . I hope @Laz can do this in hes own like he posted an hour ago. Khaleesi
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