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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by dontbuzz

  1. Good looking account, love my addy glove pures too! I'd say its worth around 100M.
  2. 10M for quick sale but you could probably get 15-20M if you found someone after a decent starter main.
  3. Sorry to hear mate! but at least it has inspired you to come back stronger/smarter
  4. masturbate furiously. the key to surviving to every break up.
  5. Would do it for 3M bro hand trained via osbuddy with screenshots.
  6. I would say its worth the addition. Or even the option to use each of the things you listed as well. I'd also add turning of the camera to the next monster when your current target is below a certain hp or something, this of course would not happen every time.
  7. Am using the trial at the moment, combat and looting have been working great! But haven't had success with banking yet either. What do you mean by setting the food? Is that just adding it into the items to Withdraw from Bank? cause I have done so. Heres the error thrown when out of food.
  8. I personally believe you have a less chance of being banned from using a fresh IP with no previous bans on it. But how much less of a chance I have no idea haha.
  9. sorry to hear dude, I hear motherlode is pretty bad for lvl 3 accounts.
  10. teach me plz i never last this long with breaks at motherlode haha. haven't tried khal's motherlode miner though.
  11. dontbuzz

    Stealth Quester

    https://gyazo.com/5cecd87cf3f7edd8ae1e9cf328b2e2e5 working a charm. thanks for the trial
  12. dontbuzz

    im back

    Welcome back mr Shakur! Did your main get done for botting? and are you botting up the pure? haha
  14. Very nice thread, you have inspired me to give scripting a crack. I already have a little java knowledge, just need to buckle down and learn!
  15. It seems webwalking is causing cpu to skyrocket lately.
  16. awww i never got to meet him. rip
  17. I remember when I was botting years ago as a kid, turning the monitor off for a minute then checking if the bot had done anything hahahaha.
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