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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by extatus

  1. extatus


    fat victory royale
  2. extatus


    wow autoswitching is a thing
  3. It's a good questing platform with current base stats. Range and mage lvls are up there for potential zulrah build. 15-25M?
  4. The animations are undeniably some top-level stuff. Really attractive and smooth. Take this as a free bump
  5. tysm pros: + free + very easy to use + nice UI design + loading bots with ctrl+a and adding a delay is very convenient cons - mby just me but has issues with long String e-mails(doesnt load =/)
  6. will shift every year, so 2015
  7. if it serves its purpose, yes, but i would argue that most antiban is indeed useless for the fight against heuristics. Just pure marketing, as Squeeze said.
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