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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by extatus

  1. dont use position, what if ur script missclicks or random event gets in the way(low chance but possible)? u can use for loops, but u need checks like canReach /distance/plane checks havent done agility pyramid, but sometimes all the conditions return true for unreachable object, so u need exception cases u could also update a set to avoid previous obstacle but not suer how reliable would be dont use static sleeps for agility- its really bizarre, use conditional sleep until your player is not animating since ur going to use conditional sleeps alot, look up live templates in case ur using intellij IDE https://gyazo.com/b4800615a57ea2c786a027ac0a3e6507 get full template by typing "cond" if ur lazy like me good luck
  2. hes saying u should execute from methodprovider, execute(loginEvent); will work since script extends methodprovider but NPE could be anything. the 1st thing i would make sure is that ur client is actually logged out sometimes state values change too early use like 7 second sleep after logout method, just for debugging purposes
  3. sure that .interact() method doesnt work?- u can leave empty parenthesis also mouse.click should be false if youre trying to left click if nothing works just make entitydestination
  4. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/152300-s-2000-ttl-main-99-slayerelite-voidquest-cape-~-100-donor-lifetime-sponsor/?do=readers&page=4 99
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