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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by extatus

  1. can also add: slow speeds for paid proxy no real variety in subnets(bad for goldfarming) trash customer support got instantly picked up by cloudflare, infinite catchpa loop when registering emails etc.
  2. I like to confirm quest state before i move on to next task. Like after going through a dialog with some guy in varrock,the config value increases and i can teleport to new region. Otherwise, if it missclicks the npc, or the game lags a bit, it could teleport, move to next npcs and end up stuck later since it didnt ask all 5. It is not a huge deal but a nice addition to scripts reliability. i think u got the right idea. thx
  3. Hello. Ive used configs in the past and they work great. However I've encountered some anomalies & found ways to overcome but i need a cleaner approach to this one. Problem: My task is to ask 5 npcs a same question, however the config value does not change. The value only increases when all 5 are questioned and i go back talking that ive actually questioned all 5 . The quest state is definetly changed, but not in value. This does not happen with any other quest-where is the information stored?
  4. oo nice! Goodluck ^^
  5. Yeah, thats cool. Ive tested the script on at least 5+ accounts. All were lvl 3s. Its actually not bad but has some flaws. Some suggestions for rework: Maybe override messagelistener to search for player induced death msg and use that for triggering a world hop? Deathwalking to bank seemed handled by webwalking(correct me if im wrong) but the execution was veery sluggish,the bot was often soo lost to find the damn stairs lol. Maybe was a client build issue,cant comment on that. I would remove anti-pk. Currently it has no value =/. I know from experience these are hard to implement. In practice they never work reliably lol. Instead of going back to random loc i would just swap worlds though. Event break condition evaluate- to find pkers and then switching to another world without scrolling? If only osbot api supported runelite's 1 key world switching. Still currently the best prayer script on here. If it was flawless,hell i would even pay for it suppose that the script was on SDN. ^^
  6. just gravedig google or use bhw forums proxy6 is terrible btw, would not use it
  7. Avoid botting agility. Mirror has no effect since rooftops are constantly monitored regardless. Ive done so with/without my own script, 1-3 hrs per session with breaks. 2/3 of my bots constantly got filtered out from courses. No such experience with any other skill/ including RC.
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