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Everything posted by Catastrophe

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGURXH-rI2c This song just reminds me of when I'd PK at Varrock Wildy and just crap myself in level 1 or even at the ditch for hours back in 2007-2008.
  2. If people struggle against Annie support, then the league they're in is probably the same color as my skin. Note: I'm mixed raise.
  3. Go Orianna/Draven & Janna or go home. On topic though, Veigar support wut. In bottom lane his ultimate is wasting, since a good support won't build AP, but will focus on sightstones/utility. Not only that but his stun is incredibly easy to anticipate, and if he misses it, both of you will die if they decide to initiate. Without the kills/farm from mid lane soloing, he will prove absolutely useless in team fights; if he does scavenge kills bot lane, he will probably just be sabotaging his own team and making his laning ADC defective.
  4. The first one looks really cool. The second is alright but it just didn't stand out to me;the yellow outline on the blue seems like a bit of a clash.
  5. I look up unusual words, and then research the weird ones to check that their definitions are actually plausible.
  6. I remember watching this so many years ago when the original Runescape was in it's prime.
  7. There is no doubt that's a form of mental illness. But when people say 'I'm depressed' they confuse depression with sadness. Also, sorry for your loss.
  8. I GOT MONEY BABY YOU WORKIN AT MCDONALDS! Should have chucked a burger at her head, would have shut her up. It's girl like that that give innocent chocolate people such as myself a bad name >.>
  9. In my personal opinion there is no such thing. Depression is just something attention seeking, weak-willed human beings cling to. Everyone has problems. But some people get over them as apposed to whining about how sucky their lives are and bla bla bla. Depression is supposedly a mental illness, but I call bullshit. Unfortunately I cannot relate to your feeling, since I believe life is far too short and precious to waste time feeling sorry for yourself or feeling 'depressed'. Family and friends often tell me they're 'depressed' and I always ask them why they're telling me about? If you're looking for consolation or sympathy for such a trivial matter you're telling the wrong man. P.S. I hope you get over your imagination soon though
  10. Teach me the way of the sword sensei.
  11. Funnily enough a girl showed me this yesterday. *sigh*
  12. If there's grass on the pitch, play ball. If she's finished potty training, let the genital juices start raining. These people are sick.
  13. Lmfao P.S. Dat sexy sig doe
  14. Song is old doe, 5 years now wut. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzvGKas5RsU
  15. I can play the exact version of that song on Piano
  16. I'm sorry to disappoint you. But I got toooo much love for this anime <3
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