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Everything posted by Catastrophe

  1. You have to find an English word I don't the the definition for. If you do, I will give you 10m
  2. Is this some kind of sick joke?
  3. Consider this your verbal warning.
  4. He can never post again
  5. Catastrophe


    Welcome mate! If you need any help feel free to PM me
  6. CHOCOLATE BROTHER! I'll have abs like that when I sweat cardio/chest/lower in my gap year before Uni Atm I only bulk ^^
  7. Catastrophe


    Oh it's you. Welcome I guess...
  8. Welcome back! Nice to have old members around
  9. Since everyone is posting pictures where they look good. I feel my previous one won't suffice. So here's a nice one;
  10. I wouldn't call this user famous, I'd say he was infamous. 10/10 for infamy, doesn't like to behave!
  11. This thread has been hijacked by @Catastrophe
  12. New random event: Prison Pete bondage role playing. Bring me the 'raw pheasant' Oh he wants it raw all right.
  13. Lightshot is the best out of the three! #TeamLightShot
  14. Hello whoever's reading. I'm @Catastrophe and the purpose of this tutorial is to inform and educate you about a certain software known as 'Lightshot' which produces screenshot links that look like these ' http://prntscr.com/35f9tj ' Lightshot is useful for many reasons; Instant screenshot editing Instant IMGUR links Can be very good for screen-shotting client errors Useful for screen-shotting just about everything Lightshot can be downloaded from; http://app.prntscr.com/ Step 1: Downloading Lightshot Select Windows if your operating system is Windows; and Mac if you're using an apple product. Once you have agreed to the Terms & Conditions. It should begin to download something like this; When you attempt to open the .exe file, you will be prompted by a security warning. Select 'Run' and proceed through the opening by clicking 'Ok' after you have clicked 'Run' You will then be prompted for your preferred language choice; For example, Mine would be 'English' Once you have selected your language, the installation of the actual software will begin. Congratulations, you have installed Lightshot! Q & A's How do I get a valid image URL for embedding on forum threads? This is done by, right clicking on the print screen you have taken after following the link URL Is the .exe safe? Yes, I myself use this software along with many other users. Why can I not use the normal print screen links to create images on the forums? Because if you try to embed an imagine on a thread using this; You will have to use a normal picture URL e.g. Imgur.
  15. Saw this guy selling stuff in World 1 rofl
  16. Come on, at least get a better render
  17. Please refrain from updating your Java to Java 8. OSbot does not currently support this version of Java. If you do update to Java 8 and attempt to run the client, you may be subject to this error; You may also get 'connecting to remote server', which will not work with Java 8 If you have already installed Java 8, do not worry, you can easily uninstall via 'Control Panel' and 'Programs': Uninstall a program and selecting your 'Java' version from the list. Once you have uninstalled Java. Download this version; http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre7-downloads-1880261.html Select your operating system from the list, and reload the client once the download is finished. This should fix your issue Note: Should you see any users in the chatbox with this error, please do direct them to this thread, myself, or another staff member. Thanks for reading! Yours Sincerely @Catastrophe & The staff team
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