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Everything posted by Czar

  1. Hmm I made the script avoid taking the portal if the player cannot enter (if there is a message which says (along the lines of): you cannot take this shortcut, blahblah), is the script still trying to enter the portal after the first attempt? For me it's avoiding the portal New update: (v33) - Changed walking system - Added a delay for glory teleports - Removed delay for safespotting This new version is much better and should be live within a few hours max, the script paint will show v33.0 when the version is live
  2. Activated all trials good luck everyone As for fighter, can you try a different walk option? I made sure there were multiple walking options with unique differences, e.g. efficiency, stability, etc. In the meantime I will add a quick update ^^ Also for better performance, start the script in the chosen fight location
  3. Will post a quick update for stronghold and edgeville bank ASAP
  4. New update! (v31) - Added anti-ban tab to setup interface - Ring of dueling mode pre-hovers/pre-clicking is now optional - Added script setting cycler - Added anti-pattern mode option - Major revision to anti-ban system - Added an update for nature rune running (trading noted supplies and antipoisons) update will be live in less than 24 hours, good luck everyone ;) The botting ban-rate for this script should be drastically reduced after this version goes live. Once the script paint says v31.0, the update will be the latest version ^^
  5. Activated all trials, good luck everyone ;) Let me know if any bugs/suggestions/ideas
  6. Will add an update for the new flax spell ASAP, just levelling up/questing the test account As for trials, activated, good luck ;) by the way everyone, enchanting is insane profit right now (>300k/hr) with low reqs ^^ (even more if item price is bought low and sold high)
  7. New update (v35) - Added an update for the order of fletching - Added an update for shortbow/longbow fletching update will be live within a few hours max, good luck everyone ;)
  8. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    activated trials good luck everyone ;), apologies if I missed a trial
  9. New update: v131 - Added an update for fight bounds - Added an update for script startup sometimes update will be live in less than 24 hours, good luck ^^
  10. Added a quick update for path, update should be live within a few hours (v32) thanks for feedback ^^ Walking is improved by a lot
  11. Yes mirror-client can be unstable but it should be fine - just set the reaction timer to 500ms for better performance (using F2-4 keys in mirror-client) The latest update is now live (v29) As of an hour ago, can you try the script again? A lot of the code was changed and improved since the version yesterday. Next update will have noted supply trading (supplier trading the worker noted ess/antipoison/coins for nature rune trips), right now nature runes has normal master/worker support (worker just goes to general store, unnotes and returns to altar) without anti-poisons.
  12. Yeah for the pouches I added an update so that the script doesn't attempt to withdraw any pouches that have not been selected in the setup interface, I also added a nice update for filling/emptying pouches so that if the script right-clicks "Empty" and prepares the fast-click, it will continue from that mouse point and avoid re-doing the entire process, it boosted xp/profit and anti-ban I also added an update so that the script doesn't keep spamming the bank when selecting only the first two pouches, so pouches are pretty much flawless in this update thanks guys for being patient, I can't wait until the new version (v29) goes live it's an insane improvement over the last version
  13. Hmm what is the error/bug with quest function? Rune mysteries quest/stage? I will add a quick bugfix As for abyss and npcs, does the script not find an obstacle to enter the rift? Did you make sure to select an obstacle in the setup GUI? Also, if using VIP-only client, can you try a client restart, there is sometimes a client issue of not finding any objects If using regular client, hmm I will try to find the bug but it works for me with selecting: mining/agility/thieving Aside from those two points, the rest have all been fixed in the latest version, just waiting for update ^^ Apologies to all users who are still waiting for the update, it will 100% be live today
  14. The timer is in real time so it starts as soon as the script is activated but don't worry about that, I can always increase the timer after it ends But if there are any bugs/suggestions, let me know and I will add to the script asap Updates usually take a few hours to register though
  15. The script should appear in the osbot client, click refresh scripts button ^^ But I highly recommend waiting until the update goes live because some important features have been updated e.g. abyss runecrafting is much better in the new version etc. but you're welcome to try the script ^^
  16. Activated extra 48 hour trial since there are currently 2 updates pending for the script, good luck ;)
  17. What is the problem with fight bounds, it is only used to determine which npcs to fight (the script will only fight npcs inside the fight bounds), the script will not try to walk in the fight bounds (or stay in the fight bounds) it is just used to filter out npcs. Is the script trying to attack npcs outside the fight boundary or what, any errors? I will add a bugfix ASAP. I just can't test wyverns because they are too high req, but I am trying my best to make wyverns possible, I added safespot system, any other suggestions? Also thanks for the positive feedback, I really appreciate it track, glad to hear the script is awesome ^^
  18. New update! (Version 29) - Added a fix for abyss crafting, including pouches emptying - Added repair pouch options (no repair, dark mage repair, npc contact repair) - Added a fix for enabling run, there is now a delay and the script doesn't spam click anymore - Added 'energy potion condition': you can now choose when to drink your chosen energy potion Update should be live within a few hours hopefully, there were 2 updates and I think the last update is still pending Also guys, once the update goes live there will be a button called 'Take anti-poison', this button is only for nature runes if doing normally (not abyss) to avoid being poisoned. There are also 2 new methods for nature runes: 'Store un-noting (fast)' and 'Store un-noting (safe)', the fast one takes the optimal route to the general store and the safe one goes around to prevent dying. As for energy potions, since I just added an update for them (in the last version) I decided to expand the system and add a few extra options, you can now choose at what % run energy to drink energy potion, and you can choose whether to drink staminas if under the stamina effect (regardless of run energy %)
  19. Fixed magic shortbow and longbow fletching, apologies everyone update should be live in version v34 within a few hours max, good luck everyone ;)
  20. Depositing (including bones) is fixed for all npcs ^^ Activated double trial time (48 hours) since there is currently an update pending for this script (v130), good luck ;)
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