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Everything posted by Czar

  1. RS Update caused that, should be back to normal in no time
  2. Hmm try restarting client or a different walking mode, it seems to be working on walking option 2 Btw guys I added 4 walking modes in case anything goes wrong, so try magic trees (near range guild) with a different walking option. the last walking option is the default osbot walking system and should work 99.9% of the time EDIT: There was a client update, update coming up for the error in the console log ASAP. It seems to only work some of the time
  3. Walking mode 4 works best with lumbridge bank, in the meantime I will make the other walking systems work for lumbridge bank As for combat potion (and low levels) I will add a fix ASAP. The script doesn't know what to do if the skill is low (e.g. 1 strength) and a potion is sipped. The threshold for re-potting is 3 or 4 levels (I think) so I need to change it ^^
  4. Czar


    Activated range guild script, enjoy don't worry it's no problem
  5. Make sure the conveyor belt is cleared before starting script, keep hammer in inventory and the script will work very good ^^ Just got 60 mining from 35 a few days ago using this script but forgot to mention ^^
  6. Hmm are you 100% sure breaks were enabled in the client? Otherwise, latest OSBot version? ^^
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Will add a quick update for master farmers and rogue chest, nothing really changed with the code though, have you checked the GUI settings? There is an option to toggle dropping inv etc.
  8. I was going to add coffer support but it seems that just adding coins to coffer and running the script is fine but I guess I will re-enable the last update, apologies guys As for quest update I will add one more update to it, should be back to normal in next version ^^ EDIT: Update is now live, good luck guys ;) Note: if coffer mode is enabled, the script will re-fill the coffer once the coffer amount falls below 1000 coins ^^ (:
  9. The instructions for the script to work are literally on the script paint Read the first line ^^
  10. Done, added an update yesterday but forgot to update this thread Latest version is now: v95 - Added 'Attack stray npcs' option (ideal for waterbirth mode)
  11. Czar


    I don't understand, so you want to get the czar range script back? As for setup, if esc mode isn't detected, reset hotkeys to default and all the other settings to default (in the same tab, the mouse buttons and roofs thing), otherwise you can always set to non-esc mode (which basically means you can set the mouse zoom to default by right clicking, and the script will automatically toggle non-esc mode and start botting) So just set mouse zoom to default and let the script continue botting, that is a workaround I have coded just in case As for trials, activated good luck ;)
  12. There is already an option for different tars ^^ I made sure to include all
  13. Hmm, selected the right option? e.g. a common mistake is to select curse + alch option when you only want to curse Otherwise just say which spell and I will add a immediate update As for trial, activated good luck ;)
  14. Added a quick update (v136) - Fixed anti-fire potion before brutal dragons entrance - Added a fix for fight bounds this is a quick update, should be live sooner than usual EDIT: The script had an anti-idle measure to attack any random npc if no npcs are found, but I toggled off that system if the user has fight bounds set, so that if fight bounds are set the script will just wait for an npc to enter the fight bounds, then fight that npc. Otherwise the script will just wait
  15. For tan leather spell, make sure to have 3 inventory spaces of runes and the rest of inventory with dragon hides, it should do the trick As for trial, activated good luck
  16. hmm okay start the script in blast furnace minigame, it should override the script quest handler, if not, I will add an update to make the script avoid quests if the required stats/quests aren't met (and the option is enabled)
  17. Alright so an update to make the script attack rock crabs which are far away (which have moved away from original tile)?
  18. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Activated 48 hr trial instead of 24 hr trial, since an update is pending for pollnivneach rooftop course (added a stability update for an obstacle) for version v122
  19. hmm the script is trying to complete the quests just enable the 'avoid quests' tickbox in the setup GUI ^^ As for stamina potions, coming up as for trials, activated 48 hour trial instead of 24 hour since there is an update pending
  20. Well I tried to stay away from anti-ban and go for anti-pattern because it's more effective, but I will add some anti-ban options for peace of mind I guess, try not to use too many anti-ban options because the pro goldfarmers all say that antiban = ban and all the typical robotic actions such as checking xp every 5 mins = very bad, and probs leads to even faster bans than 2 hours. Make sure to time and strategize botting, otherwise there will be easy bans EDIT: as for mining in the northern entrance, I will add a few changes to the script to make walking system even better, but I still haven't noticed anything wrong
  21. Added an update for latest osrs update (60k coffer update)
  22. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Posted a quick update, should be live within a few hours max ^^ edit: for a temporary fix (until this update goes live) try to toggle readyclick mode
  23. Czar


    the ideal botting strategy is like 30-60 min break after every 2 hours botted, randomized breaks and make sure to toggle off the npc attack option to prevent dying. Been getting loads of messages saying 'rip dead', don't forget to hide the npc attack option guys, otherwise there is a chance of dying! also yes make sure to set zoom to default if esc mode isn't enabled, otherwise set zoom to max if esc mode is enabled for optimal performance activated all trials and good luck everyone ;)
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