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Everything posted by Czar

  1. The previous individual stronghold scripts (all the individual npcs) are converted into the full AIO stronghold script As for trials, activated all trials good luck everyone ;)
  2. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Ardy knight option is named 'Knight (55)' in the setup menu, I will change it in the next version to 'Ardougne Knight' to avoid confusion As for DMM, the script does support DMM As for blackjack mode, still in development the requirements are really high for the menaphite thug blackjacking, aside from that the feature is almost ready
  3. New Update (v162) - Gnome stronghold now perfected, including gnome stronghold banking - Stronghold of security plugin added (including banking) - Added saving for tasks tab - Added anti-fail for eat system - Added fallback eat hp of 5 hitpoints - Added a new input for setting custom eating range - Rock crab walking system improved - Added anti-fail and anti-idle system, converted from mining script - Added new condition for stopping script: run_out_of_food_inventory Hopefully no updates were missed from the last few pages. Many more updates coming soon Guys if there are any bugs or bug reports/console errors, they will be fixed Guys, for new/rare fightzones or npcs, the script can be unstable, try changing the initial script settings (enable the last checkbox unless stronghold) and change the walk-settings if the script ever gets stuck. OSBot's default webwalker is always being updated by the developers but not all fightzones are supported. New fightzones can be added to the script also
  4. For all users who had issues with gnome stronghold or taverley, or any walking-errors, restart the script, there was an update a few minutes ago to fix those Also, a new option has been added at the script initial settings menu, only use that option if you have walking errors (if the script fails to go to the fight-zone) this applies to sand crabs, but NOT stronghold (there is a mistake in the info text saying that it works for stronghold, when it doesn't) don't enable that option if you intend to fight in stronghold, because the original settings are already working for stronghold now. EDIT: For stronghold can you try the script again? Update v161 was just added As for script saving, currently all options are saved except the task options, but I will add that tab to the saving system ASAP As for stopping script when out of food, the script only supports that option for banking (when there is no food in bank, the script will be triggered to stop) - but I can extend the script to make it stop if no food in inventory too Another update for the script will be added within a few hours (latest version will be v162). The last update is now available (v161), just make sure to read this post and configure the script. EDIT: Just tested chaos druids at taverley, working good. Moving onto stronghold of security again, and gnome stronghold. I tested the script at the northern part of level 2 stronghold of security and it worked, now onto the rest of the stronghold levels. As for gnome stronghold I still haven't tested there but it is an important feature because of deadman, so both gnome stronghold and stronghold of security have high priority. As for sand crabs, after enabling the new option (at the initial script setup menu) it seems to be working, I will test again after the two stronghold tests. If stronghold ends up not working everywhere, I will be importing the entire AIO stronghold script and add it as a plugin for the aio fighter script (plugins like the sand/rock crabs etc) with a tile chooser for v162 of the script
  5. Hmm so the script is trying to withdraw Stamina potion (1) from an empty placeholder? Or is the script trying to withdraw Stamina potion (1) and not being able to? Will test stamina potions. As for instant-banking with noted ess, will definitely add an option for that Guys, a few updates coming up
  6. Guys the latest version update is still pending so all trials are double-trials For stronghold, until the latest update is available, have you tried starting the script at the chosen npc tile, and adding the npcs from the npc chooser (NOT the npc name button)? That should work with banking too Activated all trials good luck everyone ;)
  7. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    The blood chest teleports the player to ardougne so the script needs to return back to the blood chest each time, or is there a bug? If there is a bug confirm and I will add an update As for trial, activated good luck
  8. Try again, trial should be working now the trials were full
  9. Okay will be adding another update (v162): - Update for world hop, no longer hops when not fighting (no more hopping worlds during banking or walking) - Added an update for AFK mode for both normal fighting, and plugin fighting (rock/sand crabs) - Added an update 'wait until bone bury' before attacking next npc - Added an update for stronghold of security, many bugfixes Also guys don't forget that: - Choosing npc by name: script walks to the nearest found npc wherever it may be - Choosing npc from clicking the button (chooser): script will remember the tile and set it as the fight tile, and will know how to return after banking So it may be wise (and quicker) to start the script at the chosen npcs, then save the script, and auto-load the settings each time the script is ran - this is particularly useful for npcs which are really far away. Also guys the last update (v161) is still pending The update should be live any moment now just waiting on the update to be registered
  10. Well the update is still pending, the script paint will say v160.0 when the latest version is live Another update is coming very soon within a few hours though. Apologies everyone for the inconvenience Activated all trials good luck everyone ;) As for stronghold, I activated the trial for the stronghold script in case the fighter script didn't work, but the fighter stronghold feature is working right now
  11. Quest cape/fairy ring support is already in development since a few users already requested the feature just need to make sure all the options and the teleport names are correct and need to make sure the feature works perfectly
  12. Czar

    Perfect Thiever AIO

    Activated all trials good luck everyone ;) As for stalls and running away, I will try to make the script not run too far away, but sometimes the script is still in combat even after running So I made the script run to the farthest tile as a safety measure. I will add another update for this hopefully there's a better solution
  13. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Wilderness course is currently working Guys, make sure to start script at the first obstacle, and hook client before logging in (if using VIP client) Activated trials good luck everyone ;)
  14. Iron isn't supported in the script yet I will be working on adding iron in the next version
  15. For the alert on name call, I am going to add another update to it, since the system can be expanded very easily. In the last update (v160) the script will respond to the player's name, or the player's name without numbers at all. In the next update I will add a separate button and allow the user to enter a custom set of names to respond to, in addition to the original system. EDIT: Activated all trials good luck everyone As for stronghold crawlers, which setup? Make sure to set food so the script knows that it should be going to the stronghold. If it still doesn't work, restart the script or restart the client it should work
  16. New update (v160) - Added an update for ready-click system - Added an update for world-hop system - Added an update for alert on name call option - Added abyssal dagger support - Added an update for goal level system Update will be live in less than 24 hours, good luck everyone If there are any bugs in the future; error console logs will make bugfixing and updates go much faster Note: For world hopping, if the script is in combat, the script will wait up to 30 seconds or until combat ends, in order to hop worlds EDIT: Activated all trials good luck everyone
  17. Czar

    Perfect Agility AIO

    Hmm have you made sure that java is up-to-date? Also does normal client work better than the VIP client? It may be a VIP client issue. The script seems to be running normally for me and everybody else though As for trials, activated good luck Seers' teleport is supported
  18. Guys, hopping delay is already in the script, many users have requested this feature and it is finally here EDIT: Guys, the 'Hop (if no rocks)' option will trigger the new interface
  19. New update (v52) - Law balloon method is now back to normal (working) - Added an update for lavas (fire altar) Update will be live within 24 hours of the push As for automating the master account, may add this in the next version, another update coming up Also guys, for law runes, make sure to turn off the npc attack option so that there is less chance of attacking the unicorn, I have added an update so the script doesn't stay in combat anymore. (Ignore script version, should be v52.0)
  20. Will add an update to allow the user to choose the script's speed and drop settings, update coming up By the way guys, update v98 is live right now
  21. 'Keep stats within' becomes activated after selecting the 'Level stats evenly' option in the menu, although I will add an update to allow that option to be available with the other leveling options, update coming up As for trials, activated free 24h trials good luck everyone ;)
  22. Well the script speed hasn't changed in the past 2 weeks, which spell? Will make an update As for humidify, the script isn't programmed to click the friends tab, but I will make sure there are no bugs for that spell and add an update As for trials, activated all free trials good luck everyone ;) As for script disappearing, if the script was given as a free script (promotional offer or script deal) the script may have expired The limit is ~600 days I think
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