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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. You sound mad. I don't think you have the balls to delete his account, I know I do, dare me.
  2. Maldesto


    Have a good one ricky, stop by once and a while.
  3. are* #grammarpolice I would contact him directly and see if you can work something out.
  4. When ricky is banned from chat When he gets unbanned
  5. Your ip changes very often, do some research it is just your ip changing and you being related to a banned member.
  6. For the "member" group that is the current restrictions due to phishers. It isn't a bug.
  7. I love the general idea, I just think it would fail. People would have no reserves, get banned for not selling once the bid is over because no one bid what they actually wanted. If you think someone would sell a flats account for 5-10 mill, just because no one else bid on it or seen it, you are wrong. This would get abused, we would end up banning a lot more users.
  8. It is an RSC character, which was used from a screen shot.
  9. Good, I hate that everyone screen shots everything to try to get anything bad someone says and throw it on them for a year. Just shows how many children we have in this forum. You have to watch what you say to everyone.
  10. You can't catch me, I got a scooter.
  11. Say the name. If there is someone not updating scripts you need to let them know if a pm and posting in their thread isn't helping. I will remove the script if its broken.
  12. Daddy handled it, come give Daddy a hug.
  13. http://www.monsterproducts.com/headphones/headphoneslist.asp?custom=octagon
  14. I'm willing to, if he comes to my town and beats me i'll pay his way, if he loses he will make a public apology and kiss my shoes.
  15. When your appeal basically blames the staff, of course i'm not going to unban you.
  16. This thread sucks, but I expect nothing more of you.
  17. No intention of scamming yet, you used the money, instead of holding on to it and asking a mod/admin what to do since you were in this situation. Basically you made a common mistake we see all the time. You scam quit, regret it, but don't want to pay back. It doesn't work like that, stop buying beer, cigarettes, or some other form "play money" you have, drink water for a month and don't buy soda or tea or anything else. You can surely make up the money.
  18. This isn't up for debate among the community, if the staff feel your annoying acts are clouding my judgement they will tell me. If they think you should be removed from the group we will discuss it. If you make another thread complaining about your rank we'll just remove the rank and put a line through your name.
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