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Everything posted by Maldesto

  1. Sorry we transferred the script to devinw already, devinw99 is banned and will remain banned feel free to add all your old free scripts, you have a gif to see the ones you had. :P
  2. Maybe because you made two osbot accounts to bypass our vip product, which isn't allowed. So I will be banning one of the accounts, feel free to tell me which one, you have 15 minutes. @Devinw99 So you made two accounts bought a script on one, bought one on the other, logged in the wrong account and now you think you don't have the script. Banned ur other account and put the apa rock crabs on this account, if you make another account to bypass vip I will IP ban you from the site.
  3. Unbanned, refrain from calling people names or claiming abuse, next time I will personally ban you for 3 days. If you have a problem with a moderator pm me, do not spam/flame them.
  4. Not sure why they hid your thread, you weren't ever warned for spamming.
  5. No one has claimed the account, closed.
  6. Maldesto


    You were banned months ago for trying to sell an account without 100 posts, feel free to use the appeal section.
  7. Maldesto

    ufc 190

    There will be none until cyborg can make 135. I paid for the card, not the one fight.
  8. Maldesto

    ufc 190

    Not quite, 34 seconds
  9. Maldesto

    ufc 190

    I purchased it, was awesome card, Rousey isn't going to be beat for years.
  10. Closed as user ignored mod in first post.
  11. hi @Fun why don't you worry about solving your dispute instead of making new accounts to evade TWC? http://osbot.org/forum/topic/78506-dispute-again-fun/
  12. Misread what you were asking, I can't implement it, you need to get 100 posts just like the others to sell an account.
  13. Sorry, at this point we will not enable a different version of the vip usergroup. I apologize if you can't afford 9.99, but we ask you to consider if you make just a simple 10M from 1 month of botting it pays for itself + more. You can also buy VIP with GP from users with vouchers if you can't afford to just pay with paypal.
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