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Trade With Caution
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Omniscent last won the day on July 31 2015

Omniscent had the most liked content!

About Omniscent

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  1. 1. Pictures of stats http://i58.tinypic.com/b7gio2.png 2. pic of login details http://prntscr.com/8389db 3. pic of total wealth https://gyazo.com/123bf0dcbfde30d93cd0f2ed08f1a4be 4. pic of quests completed https://gyazo.com/c737fc5890dede495c14ba7e5c6e6e8e https://gyazo.com/35e98bd13129791d8cee395941f99a0e 5. price to start bids: 50M 07 RSGP 6. auto win for my account: 65M 7. methods of payment 07 rsgp ONLY. 8. trading conditions: MM only or you go first. 9. account status: http://i57.tinypic.com/2pyoy8x.png 10. original/previous owner's email address: yes, you get the MAIN email address used to create this account plus other info.
  2. okay, I sell some Dedis on hosting forums and other dedis for other purposes.... and I may need a decent thread design. you accept BTC right?
  3. Do you do thread designs for other services? Not Runescape or gaming related?
  4. He kicked me and banned me. Please unban me. All my posts on forum are on topic. This mod going hard on abuse....
  5. Thing is, all my posts are ON TOPIC of the thread they were on, or 99% of them. I was BANNED from the chatbox - for no reason (I should be warned for my posts?) Then staff delete my sales thread. Literally, go look at all my posts, they're all on topci. None are spam according to Maldesto's rule definition. Then the moderator tells me I was told on chatbox that i broke a rule? Yet he junks thread? Why am I even banned on chatbox? I shouldn't even be banned on the chatbox, yet I am. PATHETIC abuse. That's flat out abuse. I mena, I'm waiting for Maldesto to read the PM. He'll be amazed at what immature kid's work for him. that's one reason why I hate forums for gaming. Usually it's a bunch of teenagers who spend their whole teenage years on the forum acting as if they're mature. I truly with all forums were managed by mature people .
  6. IS "Excessive posting" allowed? I don't see it on the rule page. When will Maldesto be back?
  7. Omniscent

    VIP help

    You can always private message them.
  8. Omniscent

    VIP help

    Yea, you must cancel the recurring subscription through paypal. Then it'll stop paying monthly. PM a staff as above dude said. they'll be glad (hopefully) to fix it for you.
  9. As this seems to be the only minigame for me on 07 that doesn't have a bunch of dumbasses splashing, what gear u suggest for 75 def and 80 attack? I can't afford Full armadyl etc. What weps too?
  10. Omniscent

    Fruity NMZ

    i'll buy it when and if it's paid. Go find another spam pls. idc. You're mad you can't even buy sponsor yet VIP lool man i can't remember when i had money problems. of yeah, obv, i never did.
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