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Everything posted by DaAlmyte

  1. Does it support the woodcutting guild?
  2. Is there any screenshots of this running? Looks really interesting actually.
  3. Nah this update will just push stakers to use external sites = stakers will buy less gp = gp price will be the same
  4. Would you be able to do 0-100% lovakengj favor on my account?
  5. Alright thank you. But what format do i put the accounts in? Is it Username,Password,0000 ?
  6. I can't input anything in the first box that pops up when you start the script. The box is just white and you can write anything in it.
  7. Can I have a trail please? This script looks dope.
  8. Could I get a trail please?
  9. Good release Apaec! I remember doing this back in the day, I will get a few account on this and see how it goes.
  10. It says right there in the title that it does all ores except gold and iron.
  11. Maybe I am just blind but I can't find anything about the mule trader or how it works on the first page. Would you mind explaining it to me?
  12. Just checked you would get 16m 07 for 100m rs3 when swapping. Anyway I'll offer 17m 07 for the account then
  13. I'll bid 40M for this account.
  14. That is insane! I really should buy some barrows accounts now >.<
  15. I'll offer $26. I got a verified paypal and can give you my id as well if you want.
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