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Mac Dre

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Everything posted by Mac Dre

  1. hey can I get a trial?
  2. just bought this script. to be honest I was busy and didnt get to test out the trial you gave me in time, but its okay, everythings working great so far. (cooking lobs @ catherby) thanks OP!
  3. hey can I get a trial? thanks in advance if possible!
  4. Mac Dre

    Molly's Thiever

    bought this script. going to test it out soon enough. hoping to go from 28 thieving to 50-60 thieving using this script. edit: most of the time the script fails to recognize HP falling below the amount set to eat so I end up having to manually eat. also, it sometimes accidentally attacks the NPC its pickpocketing. also, why no seed stall?
  5. just bought this. testing it now, will report back with how I like it. I'm hoping to go from 30 agility to like 50-60 using this script.
  7. Mac Dre

    Molly's Thiever

    yo can I get a trial pls. I've got enough cash to buy 4-5 scripts and I'm interested in this one but I want to make sure it'll run properly without any CPU/Java issues or anything before paying $6 for it. thanks in advance!
  8. Damn this script looks awesome as fuck. I want to purchase it but I'm on the fence, I don't want to spend that much money on a script and have it not work for me or something like that. Anyway I can get a 24hr free trial or something so I can test it out before buying it?
  9. why does it say fishing spot and anchovies and shit? lol
  10. all hella young and irritating. theyre the kind of people that believe "xD" is an appropriate response to anything.
  11. can I get a 24 hr trial of your crafter? thanks in advance
  12. slamming drugs all day every day fbg$

  13. tl;dr ********as are stupid, i AM hard drugs. IV Diacetylmorphine #3 & #4 all day every day fuck bitches, get money
  14. reposted from HF... to those of you looking to watch new anime series. fall 2013 chart winter 2013/14 chart spring 2014 chart links of interest: My Anime List (MAL) - To create anime lists and for general anime information. Anlist - Like MAL, but with with more customization. Google - More useful than you think. Crunchyroll - Anime news, with a pass good place to preview anime. Anime-Planet - Catalog/Information website, similar to MAL. Anidb.net - Information, search by genre + tags. Anime News Network - One of the best sites for news and information. Manga updates - Manga oriented informational website.
  15. Originally written by Deque of EZ. _____________________________________ These snippets show how to use proxies in Java. ProxyHelper loads a proxylist of the format address:port:type (one proxy per line) and returns a proxy, if requested. import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.Proxy; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Random; public class ProxyHelper { private final Random rand; private final LinkedList<Proxy> proxies = new LinkedList<Proxy>(); public ProxyHelper(String filename) { rand = new Random(); loadProxies(filename); } public Proxy getAndRemoveRandomProxy() { int num = rand.nextInt(proxies.size()); System.out.println(proxies.size()); Proxy proxy = proxies.remove(num); System.out.println(proxy.address()); return proxy; } // file format: "address:port:type" private void loadProxies(String filename) { try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename))) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] data = line.split(":"); SocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(data[0], Integer.parseInt(data[1])); Proxy.Type type = Proxy.Type.valueOf(data[2]); proxies.add(new Proxy(type, address)); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } This is how you actually use the proxy: Proxy proxy = proxyHelper.getAndRemoveRandomProxy(); URL url = new URL("http://evilzone.org"); URLConnection urlc = url.openConnection(proxy); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlc.getInputStream()));
  16. Credits go to Deque of EZ. _________________________ Given an encrypted message without any knowledge about the used cipher you nevertheless might be able to crack it (given that the cipher used has some vulnerabilities). This post provides codesnippets for analysing encrypted messages for letter frequencies and coincidences. Index of Coincidence (IC) What you can find out by the IC, is whether a message is encoded by a monoalphabetic (like Caesar cipher) or a polyalphabetic cipher (like Vigenère). The index of coincidence is at 1.73 for plaintext in English. If you get an index close to 1 (which would be the value for a randomly created text) you have probably a polyalphabetic cipher and need to do further examinations like Friedman Test. If the index is higher, you have a monoalphabetic one and are able to crack it just by counting the letters (frequency analysis). A sample output looks like this (the longer the message the better the result): You see, IC is pretty high, so you have for sure a plaintext or a monoalphabetic cipher. It is the same with kappa text and kappa random, just that they are not normalized. The IC is the same as (kappa text * letters). kappa text for English and with 26 letters is about 0.067. Of course you get other values for kappa if you use more characters than just the letters of the alphabet whereas the IC will stay the same. import java.util.Map; public class IndexOfCoincidence { private Language language; private FrequencyAnalysis ana; private final String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator"); public String analyse(String code) { ana = new FrequencyAnalysis(); ana.analyse(code); double kappaText = computeKappaText(); double kappaRand = computeKappaRandom(); double ic = kappaText * amountOfCharacters(); return "IC: " + ic + newline + newline + "kappa text: " + kappaText + newline + "kappa random: " + kappaRand + newline + newline + "If kappa text is close to kappa random, you probably have a " + "polyalphabethic cipher, otherwise a monoalphabetic one"; } public double computeKappaRandom() { return 1 / (double) ana.getFrequency().size(); } public int amountOfCharacters(){ return ana.getFrequency().size(); } public double computeKappaText() { Map<Character, Integer> frequency = ana.getFrequency(); long n = ana.getSumCount(); int sumNi = 0; for (Integer i : frequency.values()) { sumNi += (i * (i - 1)); } return (sumNi / (double) (n * (n - 1))); } } Frequency Analysis As you can see above frequency analysis is used to determine the IC. But that is not the only purpose. Every language has typical letter frequencies, e.g. the letter 'e' is the most common letter in the english language, so you assume that the most counted letter in an encrypted message will be 'e'. But this works only with monoalphabethic ciphers. It wouldn't work with Vigenère, because this cipher uses more alphabeths than one, which means the letter 'e' is not always translated with the same character. But given a shift cipher (Caesar) it is pretty easy to crack with frequency analysis. You just need to determine the most common character in there. If this is 'h' you know the cipher has shifted every letter of the alphabeth three times. import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; public class FrequencyAnalysis { private Map<Character, Integer> frequency; private Language language; public String analyse(String code) { frequency = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); count(code); return getAnalysisString(); } public Map<Character, Integer> getFrequency(){ return new HashMap<Character, Integer>(frequency); } private String getAnalysisString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); long sumcount = getSumCount(); b.append("Char\tAbs\tRel\n"); for (Character c : getSortedKeyList()) { b.append(c + "\t" + frequency.get(c) + "\t" + (frequency.get(c) / (double) sumcount) + "\n"); } b.append("\nletters: " + sumcount); b.append("\ncharacters: " + frequency.size()); return b.toString(); } //insertion sort is used here private List<Character> getSortedKeyList() { List<Character> list = new LinkedList<Character>(); for(Entry<Character, Integer> entry : frequency.entrySet()){ for(int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++){ if(frequency.get(list.get(i)) > entry.getValue()){ list.add(i, entry.getKey()); break; } } if(!list.contains(entry.getKey())){ list.add(entry.getKey()); } } return list; } public long getSumCount() { long sum = 0; for (Integer i : frequency.values()) { sum += i; } return sum; } private void count(String code) { char[] text = code.toCharArray(); for (char c : text) { if (frequency.containsKey(c)) { frequency.put(c, frequency.get(c) + 1); } else { frequency.put(c, 1); } } } } A sample output for a german plaintext looks like this: Char Abs Rel 2 0.0018450184501845018 2 1 9.225092250922509E-4 5 1 9.225092250922509E-4 ; 1 9.225092250922509E-4 N 1 9.225092250922509E-4 H 1 9.225092250922509E-4 I 1 9.225092250922509E-4 K 1 9.225092250922509E-4 U 1 9.225092250922509E-4 — 1 9.225092250922509E-4 „ 1 9.225092250922509E-4 Z 1 9.225092250922509E-4 “ 1 9.225092250922509E-4 € 1 9.225092250922509E-4 y 1 9.225092250922509E-4 x 1 9.225092250922509E-4 ( 2 0.0018450184501845018 ) 2 0.0018450184501845018 F 2 0.0018450184501845018 B 2 0.0018450184501845018 M 2 0.0018450184501845018 V 2 0.0018450184501845018 j 2 0.0018450184501845018 G 3 0.0027675276752767526 A 3 0.0027675276752767526 W 3 0.0027675276752767526 ß 3 0.0027675276752767526 P 3 0.0027675276752767526 ö 3 0.0027675276752767526 E 4 0.0036900369003690036 L 4 0.0036900369003690036 T 4 0.0036900369003690036 S 4 0.0036900369003690036 ü 4 0.0036900369003690036 p 5 0.004612546125461255 D 6 0.005535055350553505 k 6 0.005535055350553505 , 7 0.006457564575645757 ä 9 0.008302583025830259 . 10 0.00922509225092251 v 11 0.01014760147601476 b 13 0.011992619926199263 w 14 0.012915129151291513 f 15 0.013837638376383764 m 16 0.014760147601476014 o 17 0.015682656826568265 z 18 0.016605166051660517 g 23 0.021217712177121772 c 26 0.023985239852398525 l 28 0.025830258302583026 u 36 0.033210332103321034 s 39 0.035977859778597784 d 40 0.03690036900369004 h 41 0.03782287822878229 a 48 0.04428044280442804 t 51 0.0470479704797048 i 65 0.05996309963099631 n 85 0.07841328413284133 r 87 0.08025830258302583 e 143 0.13191881918819187 156 0.14391143911439114 letters: 1084 characters: 61 In case you want to try this code, just add this method: public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Your encoded message:\n"); String code = scan.nextLine(); IndexOfCoincidence ic = new IndexOfCoincidence(); System.out.println(ic.analyse(code)); }
  17. Originally written by Deque of EZ. import java.io.IOException; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Scanner; public class RedirectLocationScanner { public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException { String urlStr = null; if (!(args.length == 1)) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("URL?"); urlStr = scan.nextLine(); scan.close(); } else { urlStr = args[0]; } if(!urlStr.startsWith("http://")){ urlStr = "http://" + urlStr; } URL url = new URL(urlStr); HttpURLConnection.setFollowRedirects(false); String redirectLoc = url.openConnection().getHeaderField("Location"); if(redirectLoc == null){ System.out.println("No redirect."); } else { System.out.println("real URL: " + redirectLoc); } } } __________________________________________________________________ This code is an updated version, that also scans for target links in ad link services like adfly, adfoc and linkbucks. import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.util.Scanner; public class LinkScanner { private static final String[] adServiceStrings = { "adf.ly", "adfoc.us", "any.gs", "tinylinks,co", "linkbucks.com", "yyv.co", "miniurls.co", "qqc.co", "whackyvidz.com", "ultrafiles.net", "dyo.gs", "megaline.co", "uberpicz.com", "linkgalleries.net", "qvvo.com", "urlbeat.net", "seriousfiles.com", "zxxo.net", "ugalleries.net", "picturesetc.net" }; private static final String USAGE = "java -jar scanner.jar <URL>"; public static void main(String[] args) { try { if (args.length == 1) { System.out.println("Target URL: "); scanAndPrint(args[0]); } else if (args.length == 0) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("URL?"); String url = scan.nextLine(); scanAndPrint(url); } else { System.out.println(USAGE); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } private static void scanAndPrint(String string) throws IOException { System.out.println("Scanning ..."); String target = new LinkScanner().scan(string); if (target != null) { System.out.println("Target URL: "); System.out.println(target); } else { System.err.println("No target URL found"); } } public String scan(String urlStr) throws IOException { if (!urlStr.startsWith("http://")) { urlStr = "http://" + urlStr; } URL url = new URL(urlStr); HttpURLConnection.setFollowRedirects(false); if (isAdServiceLink(urlStr)) { return handleAdLink(url); } else { return handleRedirect(url); } } private boolean isAdServiceLink(String urlStr) { for (String str : adServiceStrings) { if (urlStr.contains(str)) { return true; } } return false; } private String handleRedirect(URL url) throws IOException { return url.openConnection().getHeaderField("Location"); } private String handleAdLink(URL url) throws IOException { URLConnection urlc = url.openConnection(); urlc.addRequestProperty("user-agent", "Firefox"); BufferedReader in = null; try { in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(urlc.getInputStream())); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if (line.contains("var zzz =")) { return extractADFlyURL(line); } if (line.contains("var click_url =") && !line.contains("//var click_url =")) { return extractADFocURL(line); } if (line.contains("Lbjs.TargetUrl =")) { return extractLinkBucksURL(line); } } throw new IOException("Unable to find target URL in link"); } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } } private String extractLinkBucksURL(String line) { String go = line.split("'")[1]; return go; } private String extractADFocURL(String line) throws IOException { String go = line.split("\"")[1]; return go; } private String extractADFlyURL(String line) throws IOException { String go = line.split("'")[1]; String redirect = handleRedirect(new URL("http://adf.ly" + go)); if (redirect == null) { return go; } return redirect; } }
  18. they probably have your HWID locked and thats how they are banning you so easily. They basically receive the green light to ban you when they notice another account created on the same HWID as yours that happens to somehow be on a different IP. If that isn't the case then its probably one of the other methods they use to determine one is not only botting, but the same person botting they have been banning over and over again lol. I can't remember what I did to get un-fucked after being banned 4-5 times on multiple accounts, I tried the changing my IP/VPN/different clients/different computer/different network/etc until basically I was tired of being banned and I quit for a few months. When I came back I was able to consistently without very much detection, aside from the one major macro perma ban I received on my pure I used for F2P multi pking... but other than that everything has been gravy. Wish I could provide more info!
  19. nice work! nice to see updates. always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  20. I always liked cutting magics more than yews for some reason, even tho it takes hella longer than cutting yews does. also we should organize a meetup @ catherby yews asap.
  21. Damn, very nice GUI there lol.
  22. FUCK seriously to whoever is d/ling porn or whatever on my household network kindly FUCK RIGHT OFF FAGGOT AND KILL YOURSELF sincerely the boss

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