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Everything posted by LeBron

  1. Oh lawd, I thought you were loaded from all the $ OSBot is raking.
  2. Out of all the things I've seen sold/bought this has to be the best one so far lmao Good luck buddy!
  3. This. Pures are more likely to die as well, due to the low defence zerkers often max out with their DDS on you. Voiders are also a B to fight and getting a Tier-10 emblem will be a bit harder. However, you only lose like 30-40k when you die. Only problem is, if your target is a Zerk or something some idiots have the nerve to ask "risk?" and expect you to risk just as much as them but with 1 def.
  4. Am not, I have Basic ones too.
  5. I can confirm I've done the same.
  6. 99 farming & loyalty I also hear Basic has a good slave-service
  7. Ghouls aren't aggressive once you reach 83 combat. Ty for the awesome cooking script!
  8. Just ask a trial when Khal's script is in the SDN and you'll have your answer. Oh and, there's one for you already, Ares won't even let you try his script.
  9. God damn it Khaleesi, if you release any more scripts is gonna re-name OSBot to KhalOSBot. PS; cant wait to try this!
  10. LeBron

    Price check

    Maxed melee with 'nothing much else', no more than 40-50M. All you have to do is create an account, train up to 70/70/70(price of this would be ~10m I guess) and then AFK 24/7 in NMZ, it's no work.
  11. 1. Yes. 2. Don't know, I used Khal Ogres to 99 range getting 60k xp/h with mirror client and 0 bans despite botting 12h/day. If you don't mind HP xp, I strongly recommend it. HP is nice, so you don't get 1 hit by dbow rushers ;) 3. Don't know, but people have been banned using mirror client at rock crabs, it's a 'hotspot' 4. Not a clue, if you're not in a rush, splash it over night. 5. Don't know Good luck
  12. Full graceful, thanks!
  13. Anne already explained why. I don't like the SDN suggestion because then higher ranks would be able to see it, leak it, sell it privately as their 'own'. Money is money, technically it's not scamming and honestly, RuneScape isn't the most 'honest' community, people lie, cheat and scam daily so I wouldn't trust that. However, I would rather pay the scripter $25 and OSBot $25(even though OSBot's share is way lower in the SDN) and get the script sent to me privately. One guy is easier to trust than 5.
  14. No. I can't, I'm too weak to scam someone lol. Last time I scammed someone was over 10 years ago, a little NW of Falador East bank and he put up his bank for my rune kiteshield and I removed the kite and accepted. I felt really shitty and gave it back a moment later.
  15. For some reason everytime I play CS:GO I end up playing AGAINST the smurfs and with the boosted people, lol. Anyways, good luck with your service.
  16. Right click on yoru desktop and go to settings and make all windows automatically bigger, that's what I did. However, sometimes (rarely) you can't see the entire GUI lol.
  17. Damn you're quick, good job!
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