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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Goopie1051

  1. You are using the wrong program. That is their new program that is confusing people because the old game client's .exe file is the same name. You need to download the old original OldSchool RuneScape game client and do it to that
  2. Using Windows, the new updates are having The stream library labeled as a threat, think a Trojan or something, you need to open Windows Security when you try to open osbot, it will show you the threat and allow it. Once you allow it, close osbot and restart it and it should work Are you using SOCKS5 proxy type and port, not HTTP? Some providers use the same port number, others have a different port number for each type.
  3. Hey, love the script! Great f'in job!!!! Do you plan on adding Serpentine Helm support for it? So that could get rid of the antidote's for some extra inv space? Also maybe have it prioritize the better artifacts and drop the lower/cheaper ones? I could be wrong but I see it dropping random ones instead of keeping Stone and dropping Pottery to open up inventory space for Sarcophagus and Gold Chests?
  4. Not sure if it's the updated client itself, or the scripts... But I've had issues with atleast 3 or 4 scripts now since I updated.
  5. Most likely Windows Security blocking it thinking it's a virus. Had the same issue last month
  6. Yes, I'm guessing it's from a Windows Update.. within the past couple weeks myself and some others I've taught have had this issue. When it tries to load stream library, windows security or any anti-virus you have will block it thinking its a virus You have to allow it
  7. Sent you a message on discord.
  8. Trying to sell my DS2 account. Curious to what I could get for it and open to offers! -Elite Void with Range & Mage Helms -Barrows Gloves -Rune Pouch -Salve ei -Vorki Pet -Rigour Unlocked OG Email account included!
  9. Thank you for referring my guide
  10. Disputed member: ironore#8915 ID: 929594456892653658 Thread Link: Explanation: I can't find what his OSBot username is but his discord is ironore#8915 and his discord We had come to an agreement that I would build up two RC accounts and he would sell them to the buyer he had set up. He had created two accounts and given me the logins, fresh level 3 accounts off tutorial island, no membership. I had bonded both accounts and slowly but surely was building the accounts up. Right before completion, one of the accounts had been banned. When the other account reached completion, something seemed off and I told him that I wanted some type of payment before giving the account back. I had paid for the account's membership and done all the work. He went to try and take back ownership of the account, but I had beat him to it and registered an email and changed the password. Some time went on and I continued to build the account for the hell of it hoping to find a buyer. Original build was supposed to be Blood RC account; 77 RC, 73 Agility, 100% Arceuus Favour, 38 Mining and Crafting I ended up unlocking full GOTR outfit, Abyssal Needle and created Colossal pouch, Abyssal lantern and got 90 FM for redwoods. We decided to try and work together again, since he had better experience selling accounts and had found a buyer for $145. I unfortunately had been busy for a couple days and missed that opportunity, and he messaged me saying do I want $50 for the account. I know the account was worth well more than that, but I was willing to be reasonable so we both could eat and told him all I wanted was $75 for the account. I needed the money as well. Apparently someone had already bought the account for $60 and it was pending in his wallet. He had told me I had to wait 5 days. I had waited over 5 days and when I went to message him he had me blocked. This dude's a jerk and scamming people. I know for a fact that he uses OSBot for his botting as well. He deserves to be banned from here the least. Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/PTOwzQI [img]https://i.imgur.com/O4oxM2w.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/bArxOK7.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/XsE61BC.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/oLBahES.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wBQjIo3.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/a6k6ase.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/w8CMXgd.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Y3ftMDm.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Z9n4ez2.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/6P56UBZ.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/NLHPNH4.jpg[/img] Gif of discord UID: [img]https://i.imgur.com/GK0Lm0r.gif[/img]
  11. It all depends on what you're interested in doing and what your budget is. It Takes Money To Make Money.
  12. @Token Hey bro, I got a suggestion for the script please. I myself and I assume many others would appreciate having this implemented. For the Monkey Madness quest, you give the option to configure the settings to not do the training at the end for pures. Well, I wasn't thinking, and for my 1def pure I selected it to not do the training. Little did I know, you CANNOT return back to Ape Atoll without doing the training IF you complete the quest by talking to King Narnode at the end. So my suggestion to add, would be the option that if it does NOT have it set to do the training after quest completion, to not have it talk to King Narnode and complete the quest at all. Have it stop right when it's finished to the point where it has to talk to King Narnode for quest completion. Sucks, because now I have to ruin my 1def pure if I want to go to Ape Atoll, which I NEED to do. smh... If you don't mind letting me know what your opinion is on it, or if you don't mind implementing it. Thanks man, love the scripts as always, be easy! P.S. - I started compiling a list of quests on the script that end up malfunctioning and cannot complete. I'm still going through the list again, but so far I have 8 quests that hit an error. I sent you a PM on here with the list I have compiled so far for you. I do understand that Mirror Mode can be iffy sometimes and that could be the reason for some of these errors, but I know a few of them for a fact are not caused by that because they continue to happen on multiple accounts. Discord: Goopie1051#0063
  13. It is Soooo bright!! AHH my eyes! They're burnin!
  14. Oh alright, it shouldn't be getting that many deaths
  15. Your fps stays at a solid 50 the entire duration? No. It does not, those are not ideal This is what is uses. Where does it get stuck in lumbridge after death? At the bank? I had him implement a 15 minute failsafe timer to logout if it gets stuck anywhere
  16. @PatrickCan I get a trial please
  17. @Tokenhey man, I just wanted to let you know that the breaking system isn't breaking at what I set it for. I believe I saw the same situation with your Stealth NMZ, I'll have to double check on that one though. The builder was set to break for 15-30 Minutes and took a 43 minute break. Just wanted to let you know, unless I did something wrong, but this is the first time today noticing it.
  18. They said you couldn't... but I did! 30+ Bil Farmed from this script, an absolute beast
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