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Everything posted by Herman

  1. is the bot working for someone right now?
  2. Check logs, prolly is EventError thing.
  3. Deleted Runelite from my pc, but it didnt fix the job. Is the Runelite API mandatory to run the bot?
  4. Got it on other accounts now aswell. when i googled it this came up, but i have no idea if its relevant..
  5. Have errors running the bot right now on one specific account, did work flawless earlier. On two other accounts no errors.
  6. I had this issue during my trail too. Tho ill buy it right now, this bot is gem.
  7. Thanks dude, will check out the bank seller. Understand ppl wont share their spots here hahaha, wouldnt do that prolly either xd
  8. Oke thanks you, will try out the new mouse option. What are places you can recommand for noob loot-botter to start? :3
  9. Hi can i have a trail on this one please?
  10. Hi, can i have an other try please before it buy it? Last time the bot did attempt to pick up loot but was always too slow for some reasons, didnt change anything in the settings as far as i know, any tips? Used it at GE.
  11. Hi can i have a trail please?
  12. Hi, can i have a trail for this one please?
  13. Herman


    Hi sir, can i have a trail please?
  14. Herman

    Stealth Quester

    Thank you very much, gonna try it out
  15. Herman

    Stealth Quester

    Ye, everytime i put 2 quest to the list and the bot finish it, the accounts get banned immediately. Talking about quest like cooks assistant, goblin dipl., rune mysteries, etc.
  16. Herman

    Stealth Quester

    Banned in like 1 hour xd. Did tutorial island and 150+ total by hand before using questbot. Using stealth mode, you have any tips for me? It might be my home IP cuz i have banned around 20+ accounts right now?
  17. Hi can i have a trail plz?
  18. Hi can I have a trail for this one plz?
  19. Hi, can i have a trail please?
  20. Hi, can i have a trail plz before I buy it?
  21. Hi, can i have a trail plz before I buy it?
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