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Everything posted by dotherobot

  1. Thanks for the update! The Depths of Despair works now without any of the bugs I reported.
  2. @Tom Could you make the script turn on protect from magic if you are at the chaos altar and have a high enough prayer level?
  3. @Token BUG REPORT: 1. Mirror Mode 2. Description: For the quest, "The Depths of Despair," I have noticed two recurring problems. In the step in which you have to talk to the librarian to learn the location of the book in the Arcceus library, the script clicks the librarian again and again, even though he has already told you where the book is located. After the step in which you kill the snake and open the chest to get the Royal Accord, the script ends. This means that to complete the quest, you have to manually teleport to the woodcutting guild, then run back and talk to the Hosidius guy in the house to complete the quest. If you have a second quest queued, the script will start to the second quest with the Royal Accord still in your inventory, which causes problems because it cannot be deposited into your bank.
  4. @Khaleesi BUG REPORT: Mirror Client At the Hosidius (South) Master Farmer, if the script accidentally clicks on the ladder in the house, your character will go upstairs, then the script will get stuck. It doesn't know that it needs to climb back downstairs to find the Master Farmer.
  5. Does anyone know of a script that buys things for you from the GE? In particular, I am looking for something with these 2 features... FEATURE 1: Buy X amount of an item every four hours FEATURE 2: User gives the script a list of items and the script buys all of them. (the script would also give users the option to save lists of items so that they could buy them on multiple accounts) The script would be something similar to what @Tokendoes in his scripts, except that it would allow the user to input his/her own list of items rather than a list of items that is predetermined by the script.
  6. I know it would be easier to draw conclusions if I did this with a huge sample of accounts but I don't think my account survived just due to luck. In my experience (with a series of accounts), Jagex's detection methods have been very consistent in detecting me when I am using Stealth Injection mode. I am wondering whether there is anything different about the OSbot client after the previous update and whether ban rate will increase after Jagex detects more accounts using the OSbot client.
  7. I have now been using stealth injection for 2 days to train an account and I haven't gotten banned. Before the most recent update of the OSbot client, I would get banned within a couple hours (if not immediately after leaving tutorial island) when botting with stealth injection mode. Why is the OSbot client suddenly capable of evading detection in ways that it couldn't before?
  8. I'm using @Apaec's APA Sand Crabs. The break profile feature worked the first time I tried it, then it stopped working. I haven't gotten it to work at all with other scripts.
  9. The break profile (within the OSbot client) suddenly stopped working for me. I currently have 1 break profile, which I saved. I have selected the "Enable Breaks" box. I have selected the following features within the break profile: Bot for (minutes) [ ] - [ 5 ] Break for (minutes) [ ] - [ 5 ] I have selected the "Set Active" box. What do I need to do to get the client's break profile feature working again?
  10. Thanks! Looks good so far. How do I set up the break manager?
  11. Can I have a trial please?
  12. Does this script use the agility shortcut when collecting buckets of slime at the Ectofuntus?
  13. Are there any publicly available OSbot scripts that train prayer using the Ectofuntus? Is anyone working on one?
  14. @Khaleesi , can you adjust the "1-50 firemaking at GE" feature so that you don't get stuck in the "clans" area or the "games room" area? These two areas were just added to the GE.
  15. No. I had to stop the script and make the fishcake by hand.
  16. I got this error in the RFD Pirate Pete Subquest. My character walked into the Lumbridge dining room, then the error appeared. Error: failed to withdraw items - Expected: Crab meat x 3Pestle and mortar x 1Raw cod x 3Bread x 3Knife x 1Kelp x 3Falador teleport x 1 - Received: Crab meat x 3Pestle and mortar x 1Raw cod x 3Bread x 3Knife x 1Kelp x 3Falador teleport x 1
  17. Thanks! I tried it and I really like the way the safe-spotting feature works. Is there a way to schedule breaks between tasks?
  18. can I have a free trial?
  19. @Khaleesi Great job on this script! It works very well for ranged training. Can you add Ensouled Ogre Heads to the list of items to telegrab? Also, do you plan on adding blowpipe reloading/recharging (using items from the bank)?
  20. @Chris Are there any plans to add a break manager or a task system? I think this would help with anti-ban. Good script though
  21. @Czar Bug Report: Within the green dragon plugin, you cannot remove a loot bag from the bank. Whenever the script tries to do this, it gets stuck. I have tried adding the loot bag to the "withdraw-item" section of the GUI and turning "loot bag mode" option on and off but it still doesn't work.
  22. dotherobot

    Stealth NMZ

    Great job on this script @Token! I like that it has a lot of options for customizing your training session. It took some extra time to learn the interface but it's not too hard to use once you have a few presets. One suggestion: Can you make it so that when you have the granite maul equipped, the special attack button will be spam-clicked with only very short pauses in between? Right now, there are long pauses in between each click of the special attack button, which is fine if you're using a dds or dragon claws, but with the granite maul, the special attack is only useful if you click the special attack button in rapid succession so that all your hits land in a single tick. Maybe bursts of 2-3 clicks each would work?
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