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Everything posted by CrashIsland

  1. Mining account's are not very sought after, I would say $7ish for the 60 mining accounts, Maybe $14-16 for the 85 mining account. If you wanted to get rid of them, I will purchase all 3, let other people give you prices though so it doesn't look like I'm taking advantage of you. Add me on discord if your interested buddy. I'd be willing to trade something such as a 60-60-60 or something if you were interested in that as-well. Sad Life Huh#5459
  2. Buying all Amazon gift cards, message me with the amount on the card and your method of payment you would like to receive. I will pay you using the method you want, at a reduced price of course. If you wouldn't like to go first, we can use a verified middle-man.
  3. I can make these almost daily, let me know how many you need and we will work something out. Sad Life Huh#5459
  4. You have to do most of it manually, fishing is a high ban rate skill. Your best bet would be to do a few levels manual, a few botted, and repeat. They don't survive long though.
  5. I have found that chain-banning is often not really related to account's being on the same IP. 90% of all investigations into accounts are from manual player reports. They cannot and never will have a system to check connections from IP's. This is due to large amounts of players coming from cafe's, college library, etc. I have botted on and off for 3 years and never had a chain ban. I have had ban's on various account's, but almost always when I was on a proxy, or vpn. I have over 500 accounts playing from my home IP and have had 3 bans in 4 months of botting. I wouldn't waste money on anything to mask or change your IP as it really serve's no purpose.
  6. Have you read & agreed to my ToS*? :Yes Age? :26 Do you agree to discuss about the deposit? :Yes What is your Discord ? : Sad Life Huh#5459 What are you applying for? (Powerleveller/Quester/Minigames/Account Builder) : I can do really anything, I have completed green dragon account orders, nzm accounts, barrows gloves accounts, ds2 accounts, mm2 accounts, maxed main combat, maxed pures. Do you have any experience with a service? : Yes If yes, are you willing to supply proof in PM / Discord? : Yes I can also show the hand trained accounts I have in stock and screenshots of the set up we have.
  7. How many do you have? I'm interested in the accounts.
  8. I have 15 or 20 60-60-60's in stock at the moment. Hit me up on discord if interested. Sad Life Huh#5459
  9. I have 3 of the exact account's you need right now. Hit me up on discord and we can finalize a trade. Sad Life Huh#5459
  10. If you still need, message me I can make as many as you want very quickly.
  11. If this hasn't been finished, I am interested and added you.
  12. Can I get a trial, going to buy right after trial ends if it runs how I think it will!
  13. Look's promising, can I get a trial please?
  14. Yes if you got a ban already, your account is tier 3 and being watched. If you do it again account will be gone within 48 hours.
  15. May I see the script in action during a 24 hour trial?
  16. If you bot rooftop courses the only way you will get banned is if the bot breaks and repeats the same action that doesn't do anything over and over again which creates a flag, or by player reports. You all must have been reported hella times. I have gotten multiple accounts 99 agility using this script.
  17. Can I get a Trial please?
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