Alexa, you can combine thing's with her like the lights, window latches, etc. You can set her to bed time and if anything opens or there is movement she turns on the light, the radio, and goes ape shit.
To the sand casino I would go, in March I turned 60m into 8.6b and sold it for almost $5000.00
Only when I go to the actual casino and play dice do I lose lol.
Trying to make another accounts or bot another account is going to be all trial and error. You have to find the sweet spot of xp/time played and hope that your number isn't called. If you need any help or have any question's there is a lot of people in this community with a unfathomable amount of knowledge to share.
Clicking the (Script Selector) button on the right hand side of the client, or the green (Play) button will open up a side menu with the script your account has available to use.
I had this for a long time before the new client was released. It's working fine now, you couldn't run more then 2 real rs clients for a minute but should be good to go.
I have about 350 level 30-32 accounts with various champions unlocked. They have played ranked games prior, but the season is over so you will get your chance to play the promo games again. They have various skins, and skin shards etc so you can unlock whatever you wanted to choose. Most were played in Silver and Gold so your opponents you get matched with won't be crazy good. Let me know how many you would like and we can work something out. Sad Life Huh#5459 is my discord, and I am on almost 24-7.