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  1. I'd like to try this if you don't mind. looking to buy a proper slayer-bot. Thanks in advance.
  2. I always babysit a new script for a few hours. If the script looks too "botty" in the first 5-10 mins, just avoid it.
  3. I expect to get banned, I'm using bots on my "main" because its the only account i have left lol. when Jagex takes me they take me. Ive been botting alot of zulrah, so i expect the ban anytime soon. i mixed it up by botting to 86 con today, but im not sure if that made it better or worst lol
  4. bot works awesome, just that if you select preserve prayer, it flickers it like its not registering that its on. just looks very "botty" lol
  5. may i have a trail, looking to buy a farming bot.
  6. id like a trial if you dont mind. thank you.
  7. Hey Khal, looking to buy a blast furnace bot. May i have a trial to see if this is the bot for me? thank you.
  8. could servant's money bad support be added?
  9. how do i get it to use the servant? doesnt seem to want to use the cook. it runs ok with house teleports and banking with duel ring, but that seems a tad slow, i dont know lol. im new to this. im 37 con, using the cook. edit, it fixed it self after getting regular butler at level 40.
  10. if its as good as your nmz bot, it should be awesome. i want 84 con...and this looks more stable than the other one. may i have a trial? even tho im almost 100% sure ill buy it lol i gave in and bought it lol
  11. damn, I might have to start investing in private scripts.
  12. Thank you, I knew I made a good choice by buying most of your bots, ill eventually own all of them. I think random intervals, like after 3-5 inventories? I know its efficient, but I want to maximize profits also. again thank you so much! also just had a random idea while superglass making, would it be possible to add random magic imbue clicks into lunar botting (mainly superglass making since you already have staff/runes), maybe use it every 12 seconds? I was doing it manually, and you can sneak a magic imbue in every second inventory. to maximize mage exp. If its possible lol.
  13. @Czar can you update your plank make portion of the bot...it doesn't realize you can auto make planks..keeps clicking on planks that are already made...I bought bot for only this reason. thanks. also add runepouch support....thanks also...can superglass make bot pick up extra molten glass instead of leaving them there, making it super obvious youre botting.
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