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  1. its as the title says, i can provide account logins (except the password of course), the osbot account that theyre on and any other necessary information to get the passwords for the accounts
  2. whats up with the hive script that has showed up?
  3. thats what ive been doing the java option dosent show up windows 10
  4. didnt do a thing it still shows up as a notepad file
  5. i have java 8 installed and jarfix didnt work
  6. i recently got a new pc but when i try to download osbot i just get a notepad file. how do i fix this?
  7. does this script have a free trial i could try before i decide if i will buy it or not
  8. i have some spare but i dont play on the account much anymore
  9. have you thought of making a firemaking script i think people would buy it


  10. have you ever thought of selling all your scripts in one package and sellit at like 5% less so that people would buy it

    1. Khaleesi


      Osbot store doesn't really support that :/

    2. agodofasnek


      yeah i though it would be something like that

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